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Boom Boom
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Light, joyous. Having a wedding? Just starting school? About to get that new job? Tonight's the night? Then this song is for you, and the 'boom boom' is your heart right now, just thinking about it.
Peak #258
Peak in subgenre #78
Kajsa Ohman
Kajsa Ohman
March 19, 2004
MP3 3.5 MB, 128 kbps, 0:00
Story behind the song
I wrote it for the wedding of my most adored Daria and Mike. I also wanted to write an all-purpose song that other people could sing and use, aside from myself.
The sky was dark -- The sun put out a single ray. You open yr eyes & remember, THIS IS THE DAY! It is a day for overflowing tears It is a day to make 'em stand up and cheer. Everybody gonna smile your way And your heart goes BOOM BOOM, THIS IS THE BIG DAY. This is it! This is the day right now! Everything's gonna change, & you ain't worried 'bout how. It doesn't matter if it rain or shine-- The day is bigger than some random weather design Everybody gonna smile etc The birds on the tress are singin it loud & clear Even the kids walk tall, like the Daddy of All is near. The green is greener & the bluer more blue The flowers on yr path sing Hallelu! Everybody etc The earth is round -- there's no edge to fall over You tie your shoe, and look! You found a 4-leaf clover. It's so hard now to hurry up & wait You're just about to enter at heaven's gate!
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