
Political Humor

Political humor podcasts blend sharp satire with current events, offering hilarious takes on the world stage. Stream these thought-provoking laughs for free!

Picture for song 'All-American Blues' by artist 'The Dixie Pricks'

All-American Blues

The Dixie Pricks

Everyone can be a prick at one point or another.

The Dixie Pricks are one of those bands founded on a simple, basic premise. Hiding behind rockstar aliases like 'Fred Nugent,' 'Dwight Trash,' 'Ned Zeppelin' and 'Jonny Meth,' this Southern California quartet pushes the pedal to the metal; figuratively, a souped-up demolition derby jalopy with garish flames painted on the front quarter panels and Betty Page-styled pinups airbrushed on the hood and trunk. They're also known to spit out a nice ba...

No samples

Picture for song '18 Cows' by artist 'Tom Neilson'

18 Cows

Tom Neilson

Folk singer, social commentary, satire, people's stories, children's music

Hi Folks,
   The Bard Insurgent here. My comrade D.O. (the Poet Roofer) and I got that handle (The Bard Insurgents) from traveling town to town performing songs and poetry about people's lives. I've been performing since I was 3 years old, cutting my vocal chords on liturgical and classical music. I was a concert soloist as a child, when I wasn't herding cows, throwing hay and shoveling manure. 
   During the Civil R...

Picture for song 'Pieces of Stars' by artist 'Johanna Renfro'

Pieces of Stars

Johanna Renfro

Lyrical, miracle, musical mile, greatness never goes out of style

Jerusha Band was formed in San Bernardino, CA back in 1969 when Roger met John, & Keith met John, and after some members came and went, it was just the 3 of them left....they called the band 69th Sundown, Ceasar, then Jerusha, and finally, Jerusha Band.
John transitioned as Johanna, and has been the lead guitarist of the band from the beginning, along with Keith 'Buzzy' Wolk, Bass, the only 2 members who have played the whole

Picture for song 'Where Monsters Dwell Part 2' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'

Where Monsters Dwell Part 2

The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.   
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

No samples

Picture for song 'Orange Jesus' by artist 'joe solo'

Orange Jesus

joe solo

light hearted lyrical sarcasm and original music inspired by a lifetime of accompanying a boatload of excellent musicians.

With the exception of Mango Chutneyed, everything posted here results from home recording in which alll the tunes posted are original compositions of mine, with performances on the various tracks also by me.

$25 55 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Soulful' by artist 'KALEB'





Picture for song 'MOVING TO DUBAI AND HIDING (Halliburton CEO Song)' by artist 'Stormin Norman the nag'


Stormin Norman the nag

MY OLDIES. In post-9/11 Bush-Cheney days, I vented by writing 'MOp-eds', musical op-eds. I had an acoustic, electric, Yamaha keyboard, & MusicMaker10.

The light was all shining on me for a while there back in the oughts and I made some CDs and I uploaded some of the songs here.  I came back in 2021,  on the occasion of Darth Vadar's 80th birthday, to upload a couple more Dick (Cheney) songs I recorded back then, and I've re-ordered my songs so we can party like it's 2006 or 7.

Picture for song 'OBAMA'S AMERICA' by artist 'Dark Days of Youth'


Dark Days of Youth

Picture for song 'The Lawyer' by artist 'Negotiation'

The Lawyer


Picture for song 'bully for him2' by artist 'imlen'

bully for him2


Lenny Lee Warmington is my name imlen2 because my fathers name is leonard
get it? = imlen2.

hi I'm Len
all of my music is free to download.
I have a website called oddindeed.com here are some links you can follow
http://www.oddindeed.com/jokes/ for some elephant jokes as told by steven hawking..
http://www.oddindeed.com/chubby/ to see chubby checker dance to some of his hits


Picture for song 'Bush Whacked 159413' by artist 'Speak Freaker'

Bush Whacked 159413

Speak Freaker

Some Asssembly Required. Mash Up, Grind Out, Smack Down, Appropriation. Not quite BEats, not quite experimental, but definitely an Alternative.

Picture for song 'God Bless The USA' by artist 'D B Hankinster'

God Bless The USA

D B Hankinster

singer-songwriter who records at home,where ever that may be. I have an arsenal of 500 songs or so, some of which I hope you will be hearing..Would love to hear

Picture for song 'Bing' by artist 'Dollar Bill and the Unmentionables'


Dollar Bill and the Unmentionables

Strange music for strange people.

Dollar Bill and The Unmentionables has been recording slightly silly music since 1989.  In 2010 we started making videos to stare at while the song plays.  Genre:  varies, sometimes within the same song even.  Be sure to check out the video page, as many of the songs have super high-budget (i.e. $0) music videos

Picture for song 'The man you expect 2.....' by artist 'stefanos grigoriadis'

The man you expect 2.....

stefanos grigoriadis

Picture for song 'DFXFMC-Florida November 2000' by artist 'The Man With The Multitrack Mind'

DFXFMC-Florida November 2000

The Man With The Multitrack Mind

Instrumental Guitar Rock/Pop with a TWIST!! Plus some warped experimental Avant Garde side excursions for the musically adventurous!

Instrumental Guitar Rock/Pop with a 'Twist'!

Picture for song 'PILEOTICS - JEREMY TROYER with DRUMNJON' by artist 'Drumnjon'



DRUMNJON : Rhythm - A Focused Creative Force From The HEAD and HEART

Many Characters of
DRUMNJON : Drums, Percussion
Drumnstine : Drums, Percussion
Bongojon    : Percussion
Jayem Kezs : Synths
Iam Beis     : Bass

Picture for song 'Berlin Nightclub 1934 ' by artist 'Major Snagg'

Berlin Nightclub 1934

Major Snagg

Pop/Rock, Psychedelic, Ambient, Rhythm & Blues and beyond.

Major Snagg is the invented name of the 'band' that perform all my own musical creations. (songs and instrumentals). I play guitars, bass, rudimentary keyboards, harmonica, and sing. Melody has always been important to me... lyrics and guitar solos have to say or communicate something. 
I create musical worlds that I hope that you dear listener, will also want to explore and live in for a few moments...or longer if you feel that way

Picture for song 'One More Minute' by artist 'Jeannie Dean's Latest'

One More Minute

Jeannie Dean's Latest

Picture for song 'Penn and Teller-BULL sh** !' by artist 'JoyAndHarmony'

Penn and Teller-BULL sh** !


Its me.

Ouu we like our tickle.

Picture for song 'gebtmirmeinekohle' by artist 'WaexelHaft'



Ich komponiere, texte, schreibe Kurzgeschichten (bin akkreditierter Journalist), nehme im eigenen Studio auf und arrangiere Musik in allen STILRICHTUNGEN.Ich fi

Story (Happy Type Beat) BUY 2 GET 1 FREE
$29 Pop 93 BPM 4/4 No samples