
Freestyle Rap

Freestyle is Hip-Hop in its purest form, where rappers create on the fly. Inspired by rap battles and cyphers from artists like Eminem and Juice WRLD. Free streaming and MP3 downloads on selected tracks await!

Picture for song 'V: Peppered! Dont be Silly _ 3UnitBeats' by artist '3 Unit Beats'

V: Peppered! Dont be Silly _ 3UnitBeats

3 Unit Beats

Making Beat Bangers!
,   J.Challa-3Unit ,   KennyG-3Unit ,   Tony Fadd

Picture for song 'Times Up (BUY 1 GET 4 FREE *UNLIMITED)' by artist 'JayWoodBeatz'



BUY 1 GET 4 FREE (UNLIMITED LEASE) // Services: 'Custom beats' // Learn More: jaywoodsales@gmail.com

$29 140 BPM No samples

Picture for song '4 The Passion..Remix..Savage Wiz.. Freestyle (prod' by artist 'Crushal Beats'

4 The Passion..Remix..Savage Wiz.. Freestyle (prod

Crushal Beats

Crushal Beats Is A Triple Headed MONSTER Ready To Eat Now. Need a Beat Contact Us At crushalbeats@gmail.com! We Make Any, and all kinds of beats.

Picture for song 'SLATTY - GUNNA TYPE BEAT' by artist 'Alex Muzic'


Alex Muzic

Producer 22

$30 116 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Dirty South' by artist 'Norf Cak'

Dirty South

Norf Cak

Now playing: norf cak's station
	 - Norf Cak

What up, Its Norf Cak of dem 'Raleigh Representas'

Picture for song 'L.O.P.E' by artist 'Lope Fully Loaded'


Lope Fully Loaded

its been a blessin to be able to upload all my freestyle without havein to go through alot of bs its very simple thanks guys i been on here for years.

s/o soundclick

Picture for song 'Hustlas Gangstas' by artist 'TwoTwenty220'

Hustlas Gangstas


Picture for song 'In MY LIFE' by artist 'ITS in DC'



Hip hop

ITS (Influence the System) is an Underground rap group that flows for the hell of it... It's what we do. We reach political topics to real street shit. All rymes are freestyles.

Picture for song 'Not Round Here' by artist 'LiveO AkA Uche'

Not Round Here

LiveO AkA Uche

It's me innit..LiveO dat boi dats says 'Whats Happening' Dat Boi Dat Says ' DNT LOOSE UR BALANCE' dat boi dat aint shook 2 clash no1.
LiveO From anamainiacks...Its Real Like Dat

Picture for song '20250203_132201FS_&_ich_gehe_weiter' by artist '786 scheint-Al'lahs Bande'


786 scheint-Al'lahs Bande

'Guide people, with the tools that misguides them.' Al-Majid Al-Quran 14:51/52,61:8,7:199...:-)  CAPITAL BRA IST BEI MIR PERSÖNLICH ERWARTET...

Jeder der mich benannte, benennt & benennen wird ohne mich persönlich zu kennen, bekommt, bekam den Preis des Feuers für die Unterstützung der Lügnereien der arabs & die dazugegebene 
Belästigung gegen ein fremdes Vollverschleiertes unschuldiges Mädchen. Grundlos! Gott sei Dank ist Gott gerecht ! DIESE SEITE IST FUER JEDEN VERBOTEN DER MICH BENANNTE;...

Picture for song 'Realer (Freestyle) (ft) Jamie K' by artist 'Kaisuan'

Realer (Freestyle) (ft) Jamie K


My name is Kaisuan and I am a singer /rapper  signed to Kai Entertainment LLC

My name is Kaisuan and I am a singer =/rapper  signed to my own label Kai Entertainment LLC

Picture for song 'The Za_1' by artist 'Lew Paradise'

The Za_1

Lew Paradise


A little bit of country a little bit of rock and roll and some Soul 2 soul

Picture for song 'Maria Z williamson Running From the fire.' by artist 'Maria z Williamson'

Maria Z williamson Running From the fire.

Maria z Williamson

Texas country music Texas Circle C band age 13..Nashville music row Austin Tx.6th St Orchestra lead vocalist. Publisher #Artist of the year South Bay Music

Maria is a South Bay Music Country and R&B Artist of the year 2022.Texas Country music hall of fame vocalist w Circle C band .A singer songwriting guitarist by 13 years of age.,She began songwriting and performing live in SA tx in the 80s.  producing  many styles of music w Pioneer orchestra Leader Ramiro Cervera..  .Maria started out in c...


Picture for song 'I'm High Here' by artist 'K-Luxuriant'

I'm High Here


Kunal Rajesh Kadam, known professionally as K-Luxuriant, is an Hip-Hop/Rap Artist, songwriter & record producer from Mumbai, India.

Kunal Rajesh Kadam (born June 12, 1999) known professionally as K-Luxuriant, is an Hip-Hop/Rap Artist, songwriter & record producer from Mumbai, India.
K-Luxuriant raps in unique Hip-Hop style & his verses are all tied with punchlines making people say it again & again. Rather than just devoting himself to singular style, he can go freestyle as well as modern hi...

Picture for song 'Artwork Flow Feat. Lauren and Moe (2018)' by artist 'Wicked Entertainment'

Artwork Flow Feat. Lauren and Moe (2018)

Wicked Entertainment

It's been almost a decade since I last posted a song. I'm back!
Them Boys tipping down in Oklahoma. Ya' heard, wreckin harder than 2 crash dummies in a vehicle

Formally known as Will Smith AKA Wicked. Started making music in high school to stay out of trouble and it has always stuck with me since then. Started in Altus, Ok. Now I currently reside in the heart of Oklahoma. That's right! Oklahoma City. 
'Makin Moves' is the Current Cd in The Making
For Collab's you can contact me at:

Picture for song 'G-Lee Intro' by artist 'Mr. G-Lee'

G-Lee Intro

Mr. G-Lee

When Mr. G-Lee returned home from serving time in the Navy, there was one single driving factor in his decision to pursue music full-time. I didnt want to work

Picture for song 'You A Snitch You A Op Singing Opera to the Cops' by artist 'Kamal Supreme'

You A Snitch You A Op Singing Opera to the Cops

Kamal Supreme

Supreme lyricist hip hop, Spoken Word Poetry and house head!  I fuse and blend spoken word poetry with the genres of roots, reggae, dancehall, punk, fu

Spoken Word Poet & Hip Hop Lyricist. Major Event Promoter In NJ/NY area.  New Movement RevolutionaryArt. Neo Soul & Spoken Word fusion.  Check out the New Video 'I Will Make It' by Kamal Imani & Niva produced and Videotaped by Jonathan of http://www.newblackmusic.net

Picture for song 'pakisabi nalang by danjor torotskei nunoy ft,gigje' by artist 'Torotskie'

pakisabi nalang by danjor torotskei nunoy ft,gigje



Picture for song 'BangBangFreestyle' by artist 'Mike The Trashman'


Mike The Trashman

Picture for song 'lights_out.mp3' by artist 'MurderM'



Very focused and very efficiant when it comes to writing my lyrics and producing them.

MurderM, One of the BEST UP-COMING artist hitting the streets of NEW JERZ wit the smash hits 'On the run' and 'No palm trees' both blazing the underground charts right now.. . Look out for the dude for he is definantly an eyebrow raiser.. ..

On My Mind (Money Man Type Beat)
$30 Smooth 144 BPM 4/4