
Electronic Charts

Explore the heart of Electronic music, featuring pulsating rhythms, vibrant synths, and experimental sounds. Discover tracks inspired by legends like Daft Punk, The Chemical Brothers, and ODESZA. Free streaming and MP3 downloads on selected tracks!

Picture for song 'Spearmint (demo)' by artist 'xMxx'

Spearmint (demo)


Its Just me, and alot of time on my hands, being experimental.


Electronic - IDM

Picture for song 'EMPIRacal DaWn' by artist 'Dissolve Into Chaos'

EMPIRacal DaWn

Dissolve Into Chaos

Multi-instrumentalists concept writers in different genres.  Present and past members, - M. Rajnert , L. Gould, M. Moore, D. Exner,  Mark lll, D. Meyers,

Electronic - Industrial 96 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Abracadabra' by artist 'Lady Gaga In Space'


Lady Gaga In Space

Created by Sonoma, California superstar Pee Wee in 2015. This free soundtrack series is now heard on all major platforms and 10+ countries listening weekly.

Lady Gaga In Space was created in 2015 by Sonoma superstar Pee Wee. Free music now heard weekly in over 10 countries.

Electronic - Dance

Picture for song 'Affection (BUY 1 GET 4 FREE *UNLIMITED)' by artist 'JayWoodBeatz'



BUY 1 GET 4 FREE (UNLIMITED LEASE) // Services: 'Custom beats' // Learn More: jaywoodsales@gmail.com

$29 Electronic - Games Soundtrack 84 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Taron-Reef' by artist 'Taron'



simply music to spice up time. Flavourful and rich on images. Illustrating thoughts an impulses that are simply translated into sound.

There are many big questions in life and most of
them seem to offer more than just one answer and
those answers point in so many directions, while
every direction just proves to ask more of those
questions, yet, there is one constant in my life,
which traveled along all the way and never left
me; and that's my music.

Electronic - Electronica

Picture for song 'Tricopious' by artist 'MyndsEye'



MyndsEye....original...high energy...multi genre sound...which includes  instrumentals as well as vocal songs.

Welcome to my Soundclick page. All material is original, multi-genre and composed, arranged, performed, recorded and produced by MyndsEye (Ron Silverlight). Amazing guitar work by John Fiore on selected songs. Collabs. with David James, Superfoam and Marilyn Hollis on selected songs. Original hand drawn art work (the 'red' MyndsEye cd cover) by Adam Morrow.
Some influences for me ha...

Electronic - Electronica

Picture for song 'Storm in my head' by artist 'Keyshardy'

Storm in my head


Hi, I'm currently working on my own projects i.e song writing as well as collaborating with some local talent. 
I also perform live with a soul band.

Electronic - Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Interstellar 4 - A World Beyond' by artist 'Amatree'

Interstellar 4 - A World Beyond


My name is Clemens Drozella and I am a producer located in Germany near Frankfurt!

My name is Clemens Drozella and I am a producer located in Germany near Frankfurt. In the early 1990s I made music for the record label ZYX Music Germany and had a great euro dance time selling records all over the world. After that I took a step back and focused on my family and children for a couple of years and did not make music for a long time. After that I remembered that there was something like 'making

Electronic - Ambient

Picture for song 'Not of This World' by artist 'Frederick Serafim'

Not of This World

Frederick Serafim

Primary Site for Frederick's Progressive Rock Fusion

Primary site for Frederick's progressive rock fusion incorporating elements of rock, electronic, folk, symphonic, world, blues, jazz, latin, and country influences, with lyrics based upon personal experience, informed agnostic humanitarianism, and political independence. 
F. J. Serafim - Vocals, Electric/Acoustic/Synth Guitars, Synthesizers, Pianos, Bass & Production
Hi Frederick, I liked the lyrical concept, the musical arrangements, mus...

Electronic - House

Picture for song 'opening... / On the Heights / Main St.' by artist 'The Editors of Life'

opening... / On the Heights / Main St.

The Editors of Life

An amalgam of anything that passes thru one ear and out the other -- see our Interview page for details.

In our music, you'll hopefully find everything -- rock, orchestral, trip-hop, spacey/ambient, whatever -- most times all in one tune!! Mwah-ha-ha....  We follow no labels, guidelines, trends -- we write what we feel at any given moment; industrial one moment, folk the next.  You might hear smatterings of Floyd/Waters/Gilmour, a touch of Mike Nesmith, some Metheny, maybe even some Vangelis

Electronic - Ambient

Picture for song 'Celebrate Life' by artist 'Cinematic Sounds'

Celebrate Life

Cinematic Sounds

Cinematic Sounds, Motion Picture Music... (Contact us for specific customized projects)

Electronic - House

Picture for song 'Grauer Rauch' by artist 'Throne for a Shaman'
Picture for song 'Amazing tonight remix' by artist 'SOPHIASONIQ'

Amazing tonight remix


Born in South africa 1994, and now living in Nigeria.
A beautyfull little quiet girl walking in boys dress 
With a touch of Adele in the voice
Very reconnicible voice indeed
3 songs are done, incl the first song
Wich will be a rare thing to find 
and not released.
Lady X will be on spotify and elsewhere
In the coming future.
The Danish producer Lasse Myhre
Aka Lascii is producing Lady X
Above song is avaible on YouTube
In a EDM version incl another new song
'No sleep tonight'

Electronic - Synth-Pop 120 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Hard Timez' by artist 'DTX Crew'

Hard Timez

DTX Crew

Since 1998 these boys been rhyming, recording, and making beats. Simply trying to make somethin out of nothing with our minds.

Ghost, 12 Gauge, Law Mane, DJ Joe C, Z Dilly, Balliver

Electronic - Trip Hop

Picture for song 'Slownirik x No Drum Justin Bieber Type Beat 2025' by artist 'Slownirik'

Slownirik x No Drum Justin Bieber Type Beat 2025


Buy 1 get 1 free for all beats of my catalog on soundclick. Buy 3 get 1 free for exclusive. Magic link : hyperfollow.com/slownirik. Contact me for mix/mastering

Buy 1 get 1 free untagged and high audio quality for all beats of my catalog on soundclick
If you enjoy my music don't hesitate to comment, share and subscribe to my spotify and my social networks for more fire contents from extracts to lives! Discovering music and re-discovering my passion and my life with new horizons, new tools an...

$40 Electronic - Ambient 114 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'PianoDream' by artist 'KGBMusic (US)'


KGBMusic (US)

Using Omnisphere, Kontakt and Neural DSP Plugin with Guitar

Just me.

Electronic - Ambient

Picture for song 'Moon Tunnel' by artist 'JC Spiva'

Moon Tunnel

JC Spiva

A selection of original recordings with drummer/multi-instrumentalist Jc Spiva.

Featuring: Jc Spiva, Tim Taylor, Walter Harvey, Ignacio Rubio, Michael Smith, Judd Baker, Jim Yeager, Michael Lassen, Steve Lassen, Michael Stadfeld, and Jason Whipple. 
Recorded in Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Norway, Washington, Oregon, California, & Washington DC. 
(c) M3WA Records - Bitburg, Germany. Produced by Mourninwood.
(c) Road Carnival Records (The Avalon, Couch Theory EP/Monster - Jesse Burgess Stu...

Electronic - Ambient

Picture for song 'Ruhe' by artist 'UmaMu'



Uwi macht Musik, weil ihm die neue Normalität zu langweilig ist ;)  Uwi makes music because the new normal is too boring for him ;)

I am an original Berlin veteran with heart and soul. I have lived in Austria since 2007. During the Covid19 lockdown I discovered composing my own music as a hobby.

Electronic - Electronica 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Broken' by artist 'Troubled B'


Troubled B

Dnb fast beats and big bass

Electronic - Drum n Bass 175 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Techtonic' by artist 'Art Bits'


Art Bits

Bass player

Electronic - Techno

Get That
Alternative Hip Hop