Feel My Pain
The Pumpkin King
Enter the warped, dark, and criminaly insane mind of The Pumpkin King. His Metal/Horrorcore style will definetly catch your ear.
Ok, i recently came across my old soundclick page...which was horrible..so i decided to revamp it, and because soundclick lets you upload basically an unlimeted amount of mp3's i have a special treat for anyone who comes across it...
IS NOW available for your listening pleasure! You must be a soundclick memeber to down...

Murder Made Monsta
Komatoze released 2 albums the first in 2006 'Attack of the Defaults' , the 2nd in 2008 ' cult classics' available on longrangedistribution.com and
Komatoze was the first attempt Z Dead made at creating a rap group. the group consisted of Dertah, Ill Fated, Karyn and of course Z Dead. but the first three members commited suicide all at the same time while staying at Z Deads house

This Shallow Grave Ft. Ressurrector
Venomouz Wrath
Blending Black Metal with the form of rap known as horrorcore/wicked shit, with gothic lyrics and harsh raw vocals
An aspiring solo artist blending Black Metal with the essence of Horrorcore. Using elaborate lyrics and gothic underling messages in music. Standing out with the creation of the unique mixture. Signing to a quite known label soon. Bringing a standard for music for himself. Born March 14th 1989 in San Francisco,CA, Venomouz Wrath has always had an interest in writing from either s...

The Jug-Her-Knot- E.P. the Producer
E.P. The Producer
Check out my mixtape 'MoneyClips & BluntRaps' by E.P. the Producer mixed by Dj Deals on AudioMack and Datpiff https://mobile.datpiff.com/mixtape/615663
Rapper/Artist/Producer from Chicago ill who currently lives and works in Los Angeles California

![Picture for song 'I HEAR Dead People [ Feat. Chico ]' by artist 'KidCrusher'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/32/images/k/song/kidcrusher%2Biheardeadpeoplefeatchico2.jpg)
I HEAR Dead People [ Feat. Chico ]
HORRORCORE Tunnel Runners Australia Cannibal Clown
![Picture for song 'Lyrical Arsonists [ Feat. Trips ]' by artist 'KidCrusher'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/25/images/k/song/kidcrusher%2Blyricalarsonistsfeattrips2.jpg)
Lyrical Arsonists [ Feat. Trips ]
HORRORCORE Tunnel Runners Australia Cannibal Clown

States Evidence of Suicide
HORRORCORE Tunnel Runners Australia Cannibal Clown
![Picture for song 'Cry Wolf Creek [ Feat. Mars ]' by artist 'KidCrusher'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/26/images/k/song/kidcrusher%2Bcrywolfcreekfeatmars2.jpg)
Cry Wolf Creek [ Feat. Mars ]
HORRORCORE Tunnel Runners Australia Cannibal Clown

D-Ranged Killaz
Horror, Sadistik, D-Ranged Killaz, California
D.R.K. - D-Ranged Killaz
Mystic (ghost)

cemetery girl
CAsPeR(gville )
escaped mental patient who picked up a microphone
russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber

Murder Music -09 Gore W/ d'ranged & cryptic
CAsPeR(gville )
escaped mental patient who picked up a microphone
russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber

Unlocking the Door Horrorcore Trap ICP Type Beat
Craig Daub Beats
I do various styles from old-school hip hop, to horrorcore to club bangers. Please follow along as I learn the tools of the trade and master my craft!
I was born in 1982 in Lebanon, PA. I grew up in a home with an alcoholic father and was abused, not just at home but at school as well. In school I played in the band, honors band, chorus and boy choir. I suffered from mental health issues and drug addiction in my early adult life. I started making/ producing rap music in the early 2000s but ne...
$25 Beats - Beats General