Stories picked by rqm
  A playlist by @RandMarkiel
1 follower · 124 songs
Picture for song 'starinattheworldthroughmyrearvie_100129_track1_100' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'The Retsej - soldierretsemsuspenseredalertdangerfe' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'

The Retsej - soldierretsemsuspenseredalertdangerfe

The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'oiluppdiddydissemem2' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'breakstufflimpbizkitfeatretsej' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'withoutmeeminememinem2' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hip Hop General No samples

Picture for song 'candlerqmtoysoldierseminemmarilynmonroetribute' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Classical - Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'bullyeminemgirl' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'whiteamericaremixeminemgirl' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'imperfectionfeatpartissimo' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Rock - Rock General No samples

Picture for song 'nookierocksuperstarversion2024' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'wanteddeadoralive' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Country - Country General No samples

Picture for song '9114thversioneminemgirleminembrealrawanduncut' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'tillicollapseeminemgirleminem' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'withoutmeeminememinemnewhottttttttttt' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'hellintheafterlife' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Rock - Rock General No samples

Picture for song 'supermaneminemfteminem2explicityxxxx' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Podcasts - Comedy - Adult No samples

Picture for song 'therealslimshadyfeatrealllleminem2whiteblueeyesblo' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'waronerrorismnofxrebeccaasextrafeat' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Alternative - Ska No samples

Picture for song 'drdretheaftermath' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'


The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

Picture for song 'obsolete2 2024-09-25 00_34_003633' by artist 'The Retsej Deep Possession Studios'

obsolete2 2024-09-25 00_34_003633

The Retsej Deep Possession Studios

retsej, an o.g. demon who raps

Stand alone retsej SC page address.
livinproofofdemonicpossession2  a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey.  The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic...

Hip-Hop - Hardcore Rap No samples

$27 Beats General 120 BPM 4/4 No samples