A playlist by @StefanaFraTryggvadttir
1 follower · 8 songs
Picture for song 'Goodnight Nantucket: Waiting Around To Die' by artist 'paul gorman and the hypnotist collectors'

Goodnight Nantucket: Waiting Around To Die

paul gorman and the hypnotist collectors

**all songs on this site are free to download

Rock - Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Mama Told me not to come' by artist 'MGlennM'

Mama Told me not to come


Blues R&B, funk, classic rock

Used to do bands but now prefer to write and produce my own and covers

Rock - Cover Songs

Picture for song 'i touch myself' by artist 'imlen'

i touch myself


Lenny Lee Warmington is my name imlen2 because my fathers name is leonard
get it? = imlen2.

hi I'm Len
all of my music is free to download.
I have a website called oddindeed.com here are some links you can follow
http://www.oddindeed.com/jokes/ for some elephant jokes as told by steven hawking..
http://www.oddindeed.com/chubby/ to see chubby checker dance to some of his hits

$50 Rock - Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Olga's Exit' by artist 'Interstate X'
Picture for song 'Redline' by artist 'Interstate X'
Picture for song 'Baraboo' by artist 'Interstate X'
Picture for song 'The Acrophobic Acrobat' by artist 'Interstate X'

The Acrophobic Acrobat

Interstate X

Metal - Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'Chris - AX8 rundown(2)' by artist 'Interstate X'

Chris - AX8 rundown(2)

Interstate X

Country - Alternative Country