gopher603's station
  A playlist by @TrauserMusik
10 songs
Picture for song 'DUCK AND COVER' by artist 'Mick Wilsons Bloonoise'


Mick Wilsons Bloonoise

Just Me and my VST's

Welcome to the Bloonoise homepage.

Electronic - Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'I Am Ecstacy' by artist 'Fractured Beauty'

I Am Ecstacy

Fractured Beauty

'Fractured Beauty' is now Amy Caldwell, Bob Kingdon and Eric Daum.  
Amy's solo stuff can be found at;
Bob's old band, 'Forbidden Whispers' is at;
and my weird solo stuff is at;
Our thanks to Graeme Cammack for his stunning musicianship on 'Crystal Kisses', 'Silent Tears' and 'Always You' and to Joey V...

Alternative - Alternative General

Picture for song 'GOD SAID HE LOVED ME' by artist 'Mick Wilsons Bloonoise'


Mick Wilsons Bloonoise

Just Me and my VST's

Welcome to the Bloonoise homepage.

Electronic - Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Here Comes The Can Do King' by artist 'Mick Wilsons Bloonoise'

Here Comes The Can Do King

Mick Wilsons Bloonoise

Just Me and my VST's

Welcome to the Bloonoise homepage.

Electronic - Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Verging on Somethin' by artist 'Margot Du Bois'

Verging on Somethin

Margot Du Bois

For funk, hip hop,  alternative, soft rock and jazz,  margot du bois, rapster and numerous collab partners, the main ones being Tom King and The Ratman...

Ive been an online singer since 1999/2000.  I first encountered online collaboration via Steinbergs 'Rocketnetwork' which came free with Cubase back in those days.. I was totally awestruck by the fact that I could make music with people worldwide who Id never met personally before. Since those days Ive written and sung countless, completed

Alternative - Alternative General

Picture for song 'Dying Inside' by artist 'Fractured Beauty'

Dying Inside

Fractured Beauty

'Fractured Beauty' is now Amy Caldwell, Bob Kingdon and Eric Daum.  
Amy's solo stuff can be found at;
Bob's old band, 'Forbidden Whispers' is at;
and my weird solo stuff is at;
Our thanks to Graeme Cammack for his stunning musicianship on 'Crystal Kisses', 'Silent Tears' and 'Always You' and to Joey V...

Alternative - Alternative General

Picture for song 'Chameleon Friend' by artist 'Quantum Mechanix'

Chameleon Friend

Quantum Mechanix

Highly ExperiMental, Rock, Blues, Electronica, Ambient, Acoustic, Comedy, Philosophical...

Richard 'Cool-as-Hell' Sinclair and Michael 'Punslinger' Honsinger have been making spontaneously original music together since soon after they first met in 1985. After a jam or two, the Punslinger lent Richard his Fostex X-15 4-track cassette recorder; Richard impressed him so much by writing the song 'Forwards in Time' that the Punman joined forces and the dynamic duo soon morphed into Quantum Mechani...

Electronic - Acid

Picture for song 'Berkenau 1.1' by artist 'The Stasi'

Berkenau 1.1

The Stasi

Room Filled Madness.
Moody Little Light.
Doomed And Blackened Souls.
Screaming In The Night.
The Light Is Extinguished.
Plunging Into Dark.
And The Souls

Writer of industrial dark electronic scores based in Newcastle Upon Tyne Northern England.

Electronic - Electronica

Picture for song ''Dying Inside' (Core10 Remix)' by artist 'The Asylum Project'

'Dying Inside' (Core10 Remix)

The Asylum Project

Inmates from the Asylum perform for you.

The Asylum Project was Bob Kingdon having fun with a 4 track recording unit. Now its Bob Kingdon having fun with an 8 track!

Alternative - Experimental

Picture for song 'The Eternal Light of Will' by artist 'Garden of Surreal Dreams'

The Eternal Light of Will

Garden of Surreal Dreams

Experimental eclectic music project; using a cornucopia of instruments; encompassing a multitude of genres; Ambiavantelectroexperifolkgothjazprogpsychwave

Experimental eclectic music project; using a cornucopia of instruments; encompassing a multitude of genres; referred to by my tongue twister Ambiavantelectroexperifolkgothjazprogpsychwave. The tracks on Soundclick are first idea mixes from long ago and will be remixed or remastered at some point in the future for release on Bandcamp. All mu...

Alternative - Avant Rock