lilsmil3y's station
  A playlist by @lilsmil3y
5 songs
Picture for song 'everitime' by artist 'khmer7126'
Picture for song 'If I were you' by artist 'AznBOiforlife004'

If I were you


Beats - Hip Hop

Picture for song 'In the club' by artist 'AznBOiforlife004'
Picture for song 'sound of my dream' by artist 'AznBOiforlife004'

sound of my dream


Beats - Pop

Picture for song 'Wanna Be Close' by artist '69cent'

Wanna Be Close


We be the hottest rappers in our town f'sho.  Mostly cause were the only rappers.  Two homies kickin' it and foolin' around wit music.

Yao and Skittles Records currently consists of two rappers.  The young rappers are just blossoming into their surely successful careers.  69cent can rap as fast as a cheetah (not really) and has a hilarious 'FOB' voice.  Skittles is skilled with the beat and can rip it tight as hell when he wants to.  Together they make a wonderful duet but their solos are fan...

Hip-Hop - Hip Hop General