raveordie's station
  A playlist by @raveordie
52 songs
Picture for song 'mr kool' by artist 'dj ack 9808'
Picture for song 'tonic' by artist 'Raveministry'
Picture for song 'Prodigy - Voodoo People (chemo hardstyle remix)' by artist 'Dj Chemo'

Prodigy - Voodoo People (chemo hardstyle remix)

Dj Chemo

Chemo : Hardstyle and Jumpstyle

I am a producer of hardstyle

Electronic - Hardcore

Picture for song 'let's dance (disco fan)' by artist 'dJ empty360'

let's dance (disco fan)

dJ empty360

i just make da' best song!!

Electronic - Hardcore

Picture for song 'fengtau (very hardcore techno)' by artist 'dJ empty360'

fengtau (very hardcore techno)

dJ empty360

i just make da' best song!!

Electronic - Hardcore

Picture for song 'party people - ( must listen )' by artist 'dJ empty360'

party people - ( must listen )

dJ empty360

i just make da' best song!!

Electronic - Hardcore

Picture for song 'feel the bass ha!!' by artist 'dJ empty360'

feel the bass ha!!

dJ empty360

i just make da' best song!!

Electronic - Hardcore

Picture for song 'ROLL THE DRUMS' by artist 'DJ Kiwi'


DJ Kiwi

Kieran 'Kiwi' Davies - A vast range of EDM. Hardhouse, Hard Trance, Trance, Ambient, Drum & Bass, Hip Hop, Experimental, Hardstyle, Techno, Electro

UPDATE: 2014 ---
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djkiwiuk
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/@djkiwiuk

I got into dance music & clubbing at a very young age, and spent many hours raving away to tunes like 'Carte Blance' & ' For an Angel'.
It wasn't long after that I started to get interested in the other side of music....'production'.

Electronic - Hardcore

Picture for song 'Tear Tone Song' by artist 'Cotoprius'

Tear Tone Song


I listen to singers like Mai Kuraki, Vienna Teng, Do As Infinity, Every Little Thing, Boa, and occasionally some game music. I like Ballads and musicals, but so

Its not exactly a band. I just can't live without music, that's all. 
I've been singing in Crystal Children's Choir since 6th grade, and was taught to sing chorally. Now I'm trying to experiment with various songs to find my range. 
My chest voice is rather limited, and I'm currently learning how to use my head voice to my advantage...

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Crash Bandicoot (totem God)' by artist 'Crash twin sanity'

Crash Bandicoot (totem God)

Crash twin sanity

Crash twin sanity THEME SONG!

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Chun li' by artist 'A Waterz'
Picture for song 'gb002' by artist 'tuedeluet'



gameboy tunes.

hi i do dem funny bleeps

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'gb004' by artist 'tuedeluet'



gameboy tunes.

hi i do dem funny bleeps

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'gb005' by artist 'tuedeluet'



gameboy tunes.

hi i do dem funny bleeps

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'gb007' by artist 'tuedeluet'



gameboy tunes.

hi i do dem funny bleeps

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Sonic - Green Hills' by artist 'tuedeluet'

Sonic - Green Hills


gameboy tunes.

hi i do dem funny bleeps

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Tetris by DaCaV5' by artist 'DaCaV'

Tetris by DaCaV5


DaCaV dacav5 b roc mikeyp soul benofficial

We are the most popular group you never heard of!!!! Famous for being unknown -- local celebs .. Soon to be global celebs .... stay tuned

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Pac Man' by artist 'Son of Rodan'

Pac Man

Son of Rodan

Son of Rodan

A lot of side projects, secret songs, and other stuff are on the myspace page.

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'RippleSTAR(Kirby's Club Shoes)' by artist 'Bluc'

RippleSTAR(Kirby's Club Shoes)


Sonic remixes
Utada Hikaru Remixes.
Kingdom Hearts remixes.
.Hack Remixes

Big thanks for 55,000+ Hits!

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Theme Of Aura (Meteor Mix)' by artist 'Bluc'

Theme Of Aura (Meteor Mix)


Sonic remixes
Utada Hikaru Remixes.
Kingdom Hearts remixes.
.Hack Remixes

Big thanks for 55,000+ Hits!

Electronic - Games Soundtrack

*BANGER* Lockjaw (Buy 2 Get 1 Free)
$30 Gangsta