Patrick Swanson
Patrick Swanson is a talented artist whose beautiful, mysterious and epic compositions have been sought after worldwide for a variety of independent ventures from video games to films.

Conservatory Ambience
Patrick Swanson
Patrick Swanson is a talented artist whose beautiful, mysterious and epic compositions have been sought after worldwide for a variety of independent ventures from video games to films.

Blind Man's Vision
Patrick Swanson
Patrick Swanson is a talented artist whose beautiful, mysterious and epic compositions have been sought after worldwide for a variety of independent ventures from video games to films.

Out of Darkness
Patrick Swanson
Patrick Swanson is a talented artist whose beautiful, mysterious and epic compositions have been sought after worldwide for a variety of independent ventures from video games to films.

Seasons of Change
Patrick Swanson
Patrick Swanson is a talented artist whose beautiful, mysterious and epic compositions have been sought after worldwide for a variety of independent ventures from video games to films.

Depth Deception
Patrick Swanson
Patrick Swanson is a talented artist whose beautiful, mysterious and epic compositions have been sought after worldwide for a variety of independent ventures from video games to films.

hey whats up im DJ KING and im looking to get connected with other artist and making more songs to bang for my soundclick fans. also looking for other cool peeps to talk with sorry i currently do not do free downloads at this time ill keep you informed

Dj James Bond Theme (djcon remix)
Dj Con
I'm a freelance producer and have done some work for compilations and such. Here are some highlights of what I've produced over the last few years, Enjoy! Ciao.

Batman Beyond (remix)
Main Finger
Electronic music of varying styles. Often game remixes. Lots of big beats... and little ones too.
Although I primarily do Game Soundtrack arrangements I didn't put myself in that category because it is not ALL I do. I've been listening to game music since I was very young. I use to record the sound tests onto tapes and listen to them instead of normal music. I was a weird kid. My sole intent is basically to have fun with it... so far, mission accomplished.

Electronic Solo Project from France.
French Electronic Solo Project
The Pure Expression of Mind Creation and Heart Feelings
Listen and Feel Deep
- Special Thanks to Scott Ferry for the covers of 'Transylvanian Diva' and 'Memories' (album Lost In The Land Of Holy Grail), let's have a look at his work at http://www.scottferry.com !
- KDream Albums reviewed on music site MUSIC EXTREME in Argentina
Just li...

in the end (moretz electronic remix) - linkin park
Dj Moretz
im a teenage dj 'Dj Moretz' i mix techno, trance, harcore, dance, rave, electronic and house.
hi, my names steven, i live in australia and ive always liked the idea of being a dj but never took it too far. here are sum of the mixes i hav done. some were on vinil, others on cd decks but the majority were done on my computer. all were done by me. hope you enjoy them.

Chop Suey
The French composer Axel Mario Vincent studied in Paris. He performed his music in France, Greece, Hongkong, Egypt, Germany and Japan.
He is now living as a musician in Germany.

Ninja - (ICP Vs MPD) DJ Exile remix
multiple personality disorder
a crazy rapper that suffers from multiple personality disorder
multiple personality disorder is an australian juggalo artists that suffers from multiplepersonality disorder, paranoidskitzofrenia & psychotic episodes,
He has been in the 'industry' scince late 2000
appearing under many different band names & has done projects with a few other horrorcore rap artists & is currently recording his first L.P following his recently released 'Dark & Deadly Shadowz e.p.'
homepage http://dugrecords.c...

I Like To Move It 2005
Intelligent but yet simple and understandable trance, house, electronica and technomusic for all generations and cultures with their own distinguishable style a
Hi there,
My name is Armand. I am a Dutch keyboardplayer with a big passion for electronic music. At the age of 5 I started playing the organ in our livingroom but actually decided that drums would be better for me. So I went to a music-school and got 6 years of drums-education. After playing drums in a couple of bands I found out th...