  A playlist by @hardcore25
88 songs
Picture for song 'Judgement' by artist 'Ziel'



Ziel, Hard Rock, music, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Den Haag, Tilburg, Holland, Netherlands, Nederland

Ziel was formed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the fall of 2003. Currently based in Den Haag, The Netherlands. Our sound can be categorized as Hard Rock, running on a blend of Hard Rock, Metal, Nu-Metal, Punk, Funk and Blues. The band is currently busy finalizing a 11 track independent album under Village Roof Enterprise.

Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Without You' by artist 'Ziel'

Without You


Ziel, Hard Rock, music, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Den Haag, Tilburg, Holland, Netherlands, Nederland

Ziel was formed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the fall of 2003. Currently based in Den Haag, The Netherlands. Our sound can be categorized as Hard Rock, running on a blend of Hard Rock, Metal, Nu-Metal, Punk, Funk and Blues. The band is currently busy finalizing a 11 track independent album under Village Roof Enterprise.

Rock - Rock General

Picture for song 'Bonefire And Sandcastle' by artist 'Greyhoundznet'

Bonefire And Sandcastle


Greyhoundz m/
  Vocal/Growl : Reg Rubio
  Guitars : Audie Avenido
  Bass : Niño Avenido
  Drums : TJ Brilliantes
We Are The band Name Greyhoundz or HOUNDZ

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Without You' by artist 'Slapshock'

Without You


“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Sunday Shiver' by artist 'Slapshock'

Sunday Shiver


“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Lucifer's Touch' by artist 'Tempest (philippines)'

Lucifer's Touch

Tempest (philippines)

A metal band from the philippines fused with different genres. Just listen to our songs. You'll be the judge!


Metal - Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'Bleed' by artist 'Slapshock'



“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Numb' by artist 'Slapshock'



“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Resident Evil' by artist 'Black Space'

Resident Evil

Black Space


To the crazy ones
             Here's to the crazy ones      
The misfits, the rebels      
The trouble markers      
The round pegs in the square holes
The ones who see things differently
They're not fond of rules    
And they have no respect for the status quo
You can praise them , disagree with them,
Quote them, disbelieve them,      
Glorify them or vilify them       
But the only thing you can't do   
Is ignore the                
Because they c...

Metal - Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'Stay Away' by artist 'Ziel'

Stay Away


Ziel, Hard Rock, music, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Den Haag, Tilburg, Holland, Netherlands, Nederland

Ziel was formed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the fall of 2003. Currently based in Den Haag, The Netherlands. Our sound can be categorized as Hard Rock, running on a blend of Hard Rock, Metal, Nu-Metal, Punk, Funk and Blues. The band is currently busy finalizing a 11 track independent album under Village Roof Enterprise.

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Walls' by artist 'Emery'
Picture for song 'butterfly carnival' by artist 'Ryume banda'

butterfly carnival

Ryume banda

basta kinig n lng kayo

MAganda at panget 
vote my songs beside add to my soundclick
tnx !

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'assertion' by artist 'onin'



dis is not a band. i dcided 2 mek dis 2 compyl my favrit songs. i apologys 2 dos bands hus songs i uploded hir. hop u undrstnd. 
jst listn 2 sum musik 2 help u fil betr.

Rock - Rock n Roll

Picture for song 'Evil Clown' by artist 'Slapshock'

Evil Clown


“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Shezzo Wicked' by artist 'Slapshock'

Shezzo Wicked


“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Punk You!' by artist 'mayonnaise'

Punk You!


Mayonnaise is a 4 piece band from the Philippines and we play Alternative Popular Rock Music.

Hi!  We are Mayonnaise. We are a 4-piece New Wave Pop Rock Band. 
Monty Macalino - guitar/vox
Paga Manikan - guitar
Lee Maningas - bass
Shan Regalado - drums 
We got our name from a song by the Smashing Pumpkins.
We listen to different types of music.
We sound like Menudo after an assault by Megadeth.
-- width='425' height='350'

Alternative - Alternative General

Picture for song 'khrolithika' by artist 'Ryume banda'


Ryume banda

basta kinig n lng kayo

MAganda at panget 
vote my songs beside add to my soundclick
tnx !

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'apoy' by artist 'kokchael'
Picture for song 'hirap' by artist 'kokchael'



Beats - Rock

Picture for song 'delubyo' by artist 'kokchael'



Beats - Rock

$27 R&B 140 BPM