Break,Bleed,Die=Great metal
Metal at it'''s best
  A playlist by @moonlightraver06
12 songs
Picture for song 'Popcorn' by artist 'MikPat'



Metal fun

Hi we are 2 guys from Sweden Patrik Svedlund from Sala And Mikael Adle Sollentuna Stockholm. We are jamming through internet using peer2peer, Msn or Email..... It is 150 Kilomerers between us but who gives, we kick any way.
We seek a singer for metal and euro metal-techno kind of.... 'just listen and deside for yourself'
You got to have a computer and a sequencer, like Logic, cubase or similar.

Metal - Cover Songs

Picture for song 'The Enemy Has Fallen' by artist 'StrangeLand (US)'

The Enemy Has Fallen

StrangeLand (US)

We are a 5 piece metal band from central Illinois. We have been together for 5 years now and play melodic metal. This is the music we love and grew up on. If yo

We are a group of five guys who got together in the fall of 2000 for one reason, to play metal music like it was made to be played and put out a good positive message while doing it. We hail from central Illinois in the East Peoria / Pekin area and are expanding our gig touring into surrounding states. Our music is a combo of old scho...

Metal - Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'Right Side of the Bed' by artist 'Atreyu'

Right Side of the Bed



Alternative - Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Ain't Love Grand' by artist 'Atreyu'

Ain't Love Grand



Alternative - Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Ex's and Oh's' by artist 'Atreyu'

Ex's and Oh's



Metal - Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'EXSANGUINATE EXCORIATE (vocals by Sinnister)' by artist 'Sindustry'

EXSANGUINATE EXCORIATE (vocals by Sinnister)


Purveyor of fine Hip Hop, Rap, Alternative, Metal and New Age instrumentals, Sindustry has a dark emotion-driven, yet melodic style. He combines live instrument

Metal - Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'MY DEMISE' by artist 'Sindustry'



Purveyor of fine Hip Hop, Rap, Alternative, Metal and New Age instrumentals, Sindustry has a dark emotion-driven, yet melodic style. He combines live instrument

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Anvil (click track)' by artist 'Shea Pelletier'

Anvil (click track)

Shea Pelletier

Metal, Metalcore, instrumental, guitar,

This page is simply used for me to share my guitar click tracks with my band and friends... feel free to check them out and make comments

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Home / Hell' by artist 'TRIGGERED'

Home / Hell


Triggered, metal from sweden kiruna, called deadlock before but changed the name. Play fast and aggressive music.

A band from a place in nothern Sweden called Kiruna, have played togheter for a couple of years.
Triggered have released 2 demos, 'Suiciety' 2004 and   'Next In Line' late 2005.

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Let It Burn' by artist 'TRIGGERED'

Let It Burn


Triggered, metal from sweden kiruna, called deadlock before but changed the name. Play fast and aggressive music.

A band from a place in nothern Sweden called Kiruna, have played togheter for a couple of years.
Triggered have released 2 demos, 'Suiciety' 2004 and   'Next In Line' late 2005.

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Afraid of the Light' by artist 'Cat Zombies'

Afraid of the Light

Cat Zombies

It's all good.

Metal - Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'A Testament Unto Himself' by artist 'GiftOfRuin'

A Testament Unto Himself


Metal - Alternative Metal