Disney Techno Remixed
gabrielle i deleted all my embarrasing stuff so go ahead and look around all you want :)
My name is charles, and this is the music i make for fun. my midi stuff is made on a korg triton rackmount, and the rest are recording from my home studio. the stlyes i make range from classical to r&b to acoustic rock to trance to beats... whatever im feeling at the time.

live looping, guitar loops, ambient guitar improvisations, space funk, deep house, dub house, tech house, ambient, field recordings, slide guitar, repetitive mu

Dance Party
Final Fantasy Techno Mixers
Well, I think I already said all that. Oops.
Well I hope I'm not over my head in legal terms and stuff, but I like music- in short. This isn't technically a band, its just a 12 year old kid with plans. It just consists of me, Nick Fischer, and my beloved computer. I am a video game junkie, having a playstation, dreamcast, an old sega genesis, 3 kinds of the game boy, and my computer. I enjoy Final Fantasy 7 the most out of playstation games. I got most of my songs from the techno wonder grou...

cartoon heroes speedy mix
cartoon heroes
ummmm iuno noting really
we are cartoon

Hello! I am Bulb! Enjoy the tunes!
This is music I have written. Some of these songs are for my band Periphery: www.myspace.com/periphery, and some are just for my solo project Bulb: www.myspace.com/iambulb, or dont have a place yet.
Currently in Washington DC playing out with my band and attempting to make a career out of these projects!
I have also started recording bands, so if you are interested please contact me!