lovemetalrm's station
  A playlist by @lovemetalrm
2 songs
Picture for song 'Slap Vs. Freak(Acoustic Live)' by artist 'Slapshock'

Slap Vs. Freak(Acoustic Live)


“We have traded our screams to melodies”
                                                       -Jamir Garcia-
Jamir Garcia - vocalist
Jerry Basco - guitarist
Lean Ansing - guitarist
Lee Nadala - bassist
Chi Evora - drummer 
Slapshock is one of the premier rapmetal bands of the Philippines. The band was signed in 1998, when rapmetal acts were being signed left and right by the major recording companies. Six years into the business, it can be safely said that Slapshock...

Metal - Rap-Metal

Picture for song 'Ex's and Oh's' by artist 'Atreyu'

Ex's and Oh's



Metal - Heavy Metal