Diary of Jane (Remix)
Let's get something straight here - I'm not a band. Nor am I a DJ, yet...per se. Don't try to suspend me for copyright infringement or whatever, the songs aren'
Hello. I'm not really a band or a DJ per se, but i do take some songs i happen to like and change them up a bit. If people listen to them and like them, thats great, if they don't...well whatever........yeah.....hope you enjoy it.

Your Guardian Angel (SpEeD REmiX)
Let's get something straight here - I'm not a band. Nor am I a DJ, yet...per se. Don't try to suspend me for copyright infringement or whatever, the songs aren'
Hello. I'm not really a band or a DJ per se, but i do take some songs i happen to like and change them up a bit. If people listen to them and like them, thats great, if they don't...well whatever........yeah.....hope you enjoy it.

Hey There Delilah (ReMIx)
Let's get something straight here - I'm not a band. Nor am I a DJ, yet...per se. Don't try to suspend me for copyright infringement or whatever, the songs aren'
Hello. I'm not really a band or a DJ per se, but i do take some songs i happen to like and change them up a bit. If people listen to them and like them, thats great, if they don't...well whatever........yeah.....hope you enjoy it.

Acoustic Song
Mr Kaon
One man... coming up in the one way, one truth, and one God
And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.
1 Timothy 4:12 (The Message)

Yule Shoot Your Eye Out
Earl Salindo
Hey well, this is me. I'm a normal teenage boy where music has always been a huge part of my life. When I was little, I'd go to parties with my family and relative and friends would have a band up and playing music. I would always just sit there and watch them play. So basically, I'm just as musical. God is also what drives me.