Sings Vladimir Sidorov
  A playlist by @vladimir sidorov
47 songs
Picture for song 'Songs of Songs by King Solomon - DEMO' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

Songs of Songs by King Solomon - DEMO

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Podcasts - Music Talk

Picture for song 'PESNYA SYNU ( Song for son )' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

PESNYA SYNU ( Song for son )

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Classical - Baroque

Picture for song 'TE KOGO YA LUBIL / I loved all /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

TE KOGO YA LUBIL / I loved all /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

World - Traditional European

Picture for song 'BLAGOSLOVENNA LEN ( Owing to laziness )' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

BLAGOSLOVENNA LEN ( Owing to laziness )

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Alt-Pop

Picture for song 'DRUZHESKIY UGOVOR / Our friendly agreement /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

DRUZHESKIY UGOVOR / Our friendly agreement /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Rock - Hard Rock

Picture for song 'DRUZYAM / For friends /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

DRUZYAM / For friends /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Rock - Classic Rock

Picture for song 'Pismo Bes Converta / Lletter Without An Envelope /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

Pismo Bes Converta / Lletter Without An Envelope /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

World - Traditional European

Picture for song 'NEROZHDYONNOY DOCHERI / For unborned daughter /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

NEROZHDYONNOY DOCHERI / For unborned daughter /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Christian Pop

Picture for song 'PROSCHAY, POSLEDNYAYA LYUBOV / Goodbye My Love /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'


Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Dance-Pop

Picture for song 'POSLE CHASA / After The Hour /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

POSLE CHASA / After The Hour /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Jazz - Dixieland

Picture for song 'KOGDA YA CHESTNYM BYL ( When I Was Honest )' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'


Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Dance-Pop

Picture for song 'S Novim Godom /Happy New Year/' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

S Novim Godom /Happy New Year/

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Christmas/Seasonal

Picture for song 'Vladimir Sidorov Sings For Russian America 1998' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

Vladimir Sidorov Sings For Russian America 1998

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Female Names In The Songs By Vladimir Sidorov' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

Female Names In The Songs By Vladimir Sidorov

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Podcasts - Music Talk

Picture for song 'NE PRISTAVAY / No pester /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

NE PRISTAVAY / No pester /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Rock - Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'SKAZHI MNE 'DA' / Tell me 'yes' /' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

SKAZHI MNE 'DA' / Tell me 'yes' /

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Dance-Pop

Picture for song 'ALEKSANDRA SOLOVYOVA' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'


Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Dance-Pop

Picture for song 'ARIETTA' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'


Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Rock - Classic Rock

Picture for song 'BUDU TANTSEVATI /I'll Dance/' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'


Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Country - Country-Pop

Picture for song 'Esli Uslyshish Pesnu O Lubvi' by artist 'Vladimir Sidorov'

Esli Uslyshish Pesnu O Lubvi

Vladimir Sidorov

Sidorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. 
Born: October 1, 1956. 
Actively engaged in composition and performance since 1972. 
Graduated from the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) in 1977 (major: Theory of Music). 
Graduated from the Moussorgsky Conservatory (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 1983 (major: Composition) under professor V. A. Kobekin. 
On the faculty at the Glinka College of Music (Magnitogorsk, Russia) -- Theory of Music and related subjects, since 1983. 
Director and Sound Produ...

Pop - Dance-Pop

$25 Hip Hop 200 BPM No samples