Gold Coast, QLD Australia
Joined June6 2024
we're entering a period of uncertainty and playbooks are being discarded (or rewritten)
living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see
always, no sometimes, think it's me but you know I know when it's a dream
I think I know, I mean ah yes but it's all wrong, that is, I think I disagree
My Music
36 songs ·
12 artists
20 hours ago
so, bombard the media with one or two outrageous claims on a daily basis and have the media so consumed by the sheer audacity of these claims (media loves to be outraged) and you got a free runway to land whatever plane you want...keep 'em busy with a whole lot of nuthin' while you get a whole lot of somethin' playbook with new rules in a period of uncertainty (uncertainty not being a bad thing btw, it's just that we've taken a break from the same 'ol same 'ol way it's been done because without doubt that same 'ol same 'ol did not work...just sayin'.
Fetterman on the View
Jan 27
Last comment 3 days ago
so, Fetterman goes on the View to explain how bi-partisanship works and mostly they didn't want to know about know guys, wake up and smell the coffee (maybe not the Columbian brand, lol) it's time to understand you can agree to disagree and drop the whole 'my opinion is the only opinion' just hasn't worked and it's actually causing division...He's a politician so we expect he can behave like an adult and discuss differences within his own party and those in opposition and find compromise and outcomes that will benefit his, that's exactly what he's done and he told them folks at the View exactly that and I think we are going to see a lot of this happening over the next several years...less indignation from Whoopi and more inclusive work between major party politicians so as things of real benefit are gained. Go Fetterman and good win for common sense on your part, nothing is achieved by ignoring 50 percent of the electorate...
January Heat
Jan 12
In the immortal words of Alice Cooper, 'It's Hot Tonight'
The brilliance of Ferry & Eno
Nov 2, 2024
so, an overlooked artist IMO is Bryan Ferry who is enjoying a renaissance of sorts with his work of late - check out his Retrospective LP, which showcases so much of the brilliant works from this enigmatic, charismatic and cool artist. Featured video 'I Thought' is written by Ferry and Eno (the genius behind Roxy Music, Bowie and U2) and it's sheer simplicity is the key to it being such a masterful piece of music with lilting melody and wistful rendering of vocals from Ferry. It transports you to another era where time was slower and things made way more sense. It evokes a feeling of sublime calm and sweetness which really seems lost these days as people look to be outraged, wanting to be shocked, angry and spiteful...why did we as a race of people trade simplicity for such contrived and convoluted lives which we fool ourselves into thinking it's an 'easier' or 'better' way to live...why did we get sucked into the vortex of corporate greed and infantile banter settling for a trivial existence whereby consumption of meaningless product (which leaves a gaping hole in our souls) rules our every move, thought and know, the best things in life are free and living large is such a 2,000's construct which can't be sustained - get back in tune with the likes of this music and less excessiveness and breathe....
anxiety over comparing and judgement
Sep 14, 2024
You know, when we create music we should be doing it for ourselves and those that we're collaborating with of whom we deeply respect and freely share without condition our works - that's to say we shouldn't take any of this seriously or certainly worry outside of our immediate group as to what others may or may not think as we're not session musos for Springsteen or performing at the Greek Theatre or appearing on SNL with our latest smash #1 or in front of the King of England reciting a poem at Buckingham Palace or a support act for Bon Jovi's comeback tour or in the chorus line of Wicked on Broadway or even busking on the Tube at Piccadilly...we're just people who love music (always have, always will) and we didn't get a break (too busy working a job, raising a family and having life get in the way of that) or get signed by a major (tried once, they laughed, lol) and therefore a fork in the road took us in another direction but we all now have access to recording our music via our PC's and technology has allowed us to be relevant to our own immediate circle of musical mates...and that's all it is...anything else is way, way back at that fork in the road and man, that's not even in the rear-view mirror any longer let alone in my satnav....seriously, being too serious about any of this isn't the should be fun and enjoyable and not about comparing oranges with apples (i.e. what's done here isn't comparable to someone who plays with the philharmonic orchestra) Let's chill folks, the world needs it big time!
Posted 6 hours ago
Thanks so much, Greg!
Posted 1 day ago
hey that's cool Kath, find that SC is a great place to not only store but showcase and archive, totally agree!
Jan 24
THank you so much.....
Jan 22
Thank you so much Greg……you rock my friend……
Jan 20
thank you so much for the very kind comments.....that was nice to find .......
Jan 19
hahahahahahahahahahaha Me lovey likey Marc Bolans version of GET IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is so cool why ddid I not know about this version.... yow is right.... omg omg omg.... I put it on my vid page on soundclick......this rocks enjoyed.
Jan 18
Awwwwww simply irresistable was a fave of mine……… RIP Robert.
Jan 18
The remembering of Robert Palmer and the affect an album like 'Clues' had on me at that time is important to revisit and to honour that artist as the music and lyrics obviously left a sizeable impression (45 years and Palmer would (like Gabriel) go on to to release a few more LP's prior to going ballistic in 1985 with 'Addicted to Love', which found full mainstream success, selling like hotcakes gaining Billboard's #1 spot plus also becoming a top 5 UK hit and worldwide smash - great reward for a soulful and unassuming dude who worked with Gary Numan when the pairing was thought to be 'odd', yet it gave us such a classic LP displaying so many sides to a guy who certainly wasn't one dimensional. RIP Robert!
Jan 15
OH I almost forgot shes got Dante Algieris classic book on her coffee table ... THats about Dantes Inferno.....I forgot what its called .... Ill check it out when I go........
All comments (94)
Thank you so very very much for the kind comments on my songs……very much appreciated….