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Part 6 in parts the one review here posted vmpire
Feb 8, 2023
officially or what part of it he sure convinced me and for some reason. I'm thinking about going to see the lost boys on that part so funny Michael Michael Michael revvvvvvrevrevrevreeaguuggm resasggghmmm revs the motorcycles fromthat art in the movie list oys I am sure going to listen to this song a lot more times and know I won't be alone because everybody won't want to miss this work of brilliant acting on the part of Rand Markiel as the Retsej demon green skinned part lizard Lucifer exorcist horror movie William Peter Blatty's based infekt such pleasure from this exciting and jaw dropping little kid wlvmpire who always gets what he wants selfish little boychild innocent kid who truly qualifies if not and imean qualifies as in yes it is true he must we must have found the interview recording tapes of the real interview that takes place in a San Francisco old historic rich old town upper class vintage historical merriott hotel in old downtown San Francisco a hop skip and a jump of a couple hour trip from there to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk where lost boys with Kiefer sutherland as the vmpire in that role in the movie played next time I ride the little dipper it always rains in the twisting road on the main highway through the twisting and dangerous sharp turns of the always rains when I go Santa Cruz .ountain main highway road high up in the mountains I'll be on the lookout for rand The Retsej vampire out my car window and once ibreach the beach boardwalk amusement rollercoaster on the beach boardwalk amusement rollercoaster the little and big dippers maybe I'll see him there that is where they filmed lostboys cry little sister i still believe in real vampires exist with us and in the real world no it couldn't be real well see for yourself and take a listen its sure to be a hit on Halloween too as in funny what an amazing performance as a vmpire a real one, I've never seen this before but I couldn't believe it could be done but rand theretsejas vmpire pulls off the role well a little kid in a grown mans body who never really stopped believing he was a the real thing , a real vampire being intderviewed well I'll be darned so much applause Extra Credit : Best actor acting ,direction ,writing storytelling ProductionLyricsHumornfunniest and most innovative best based on interviewwithawvampire podcast movie telling griiviest character and funniest and Oscar winning performance/Grammy /best direction /best new screenplay of 2022-3 Reviewer Anonymous review Date Feb 4 2023 part of editors of underground music and movies and upper class rich article award winning publication /newsletter/magazine publication Not a through Street@CalistogaNapaValpet Northern California Wine Country wine tasting tees and enthusiast rare vintage wine coolllector and appriecation of taste and comfort bedand breakfast Wyoming and Idaho Oregon and and OldDel DelVal+Lassen Volcanic Nation Park/Wilderness bumpass hell Michigan Ontario Northern California And blue lakes Zion and Brice Canyon and Chorpus Christi ,TexasbU.S.A.seeyiutgere next springand summer we climbedthe volcano!boys outgirl scouts are us troop badge Lassen or we don't stop till we see the butterflies hatching at the top of the mountain/someday may blowits still active top volcano bubbling mud pits on wooden plank walkway bridges over the egg smelling noxious fume ridden bubbling lava fuleled underneath the bubbling mud pits and Union City /thebayareaSanFrancisco And Danville see you in Minnesota at the artsvfair and at the arts fair and shops setup alin Santafey. NEw Mexicoand in Sunol at the State Fair seeya therealsoNevada desert and where our car broke down and our tire popped and we had to walk to the old repair shop downnthe diet old autimotiverepairshoptogetour tire fixed thanks to that mechanic and all our love to our heart to our dog Sandy who took the trip in the backseat of the astrovan with us to nevada idaho and texasseeyoutheremuchlovevcheckthisoneoutiwanttosucyourblood at
Part 5
Feb 8, 2023
yourself but expect to be entertained and gripping by the edge of your seat to see every line and what the vampire Retsej 0lestat creature human like but his vampire real in real life vampireness as in a real vampire not just acting is why I give this podcast 0movie spoken word song so much extra credit maybe someday we'll meet in real life but I think we just did as it is expect he needs no introduction watch this one it's a work of art and to be cherished and loved such a masterpiece hhaha you know I often have fancied myself a rich superior corporate stock wealthy rich giant/vmpire high on weed and life high society chips all I ever wanted sophisticated and suit wearing classy live forever always win in life as all real vampires are and always do thing tend to always work out their way and their vampire occult brich classy educated and upper class taste and wealth well to do lifestyle always as I'm sure others the rest of the world has fancied themselves to be cut if theis powerful occult secret society club of the wealthy rich and famous have I fancied myself to be a real vampire too as I live and breath how'd he know my secret always wanted to be superior to die to kill for powerful and rich minus the blood sucking but somehow yeah I still made it what how did How did he know im a real vmpire to always wanted to be that classy rich and powerful and sexy superior popular and famous and control the world and live forever immortal youth immortally young and see the millions of years and decades go by stay a kid immortally youthful never age or die and rule the world from that lofty position of success money privelege and power I love this song /more spoken word movie interview with a vampire a real interview with a real vampire two thumbs up applause you have to see this for yourself it's that amazing fun sinfully pleasurable and astounding should I say more yes but I can only make this review so long and until you see it for yourself you just won't get it about how cool and impressive this real interview with a vampire movie based and if officially or what part of it he sure convinced me and for some reason. I'm thinking about going to see the lost boys on that part so funny Michael Michael Michael revvvvvvrevrevrevreeaguuggm resasggghmmm revs the motorcycles fromthat art in the movie list oys I am sure going to listen to this song a lot more times and know I won't be alone because everybody won't want to miss this work of brilliant acting on the part of Rand Markiel as the Retsej demon green skinned part lizard Lucifer exorcist horror movie William Peter Blatty's based infekt such pleasure from this exciting and jaw dropping little kid wlvmpire who always gets what he wants selfish little boychild innocent kid who truly qualifies if not and imean qualifies as in yes it is true he must we must have found the interview recording tapes of the real interview that takes place in a San Francisco old historic rich old town upper class vintage historical merriott hotel in old downtown San Francisco a hop skip and a jump of a couple hour trip from there to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk where lost boys with Kiefer sutherland as the vmpire in that role in the movie played next time I ride the little dipper it always rains in the twisting road on the main highway through the twisting and dangerous sharp turns of the always rains when I go Santa Cruz .ountain main highway road high up in the mountains I'll be on the lookout for rand The Retsej vampire out my car window and once ibreach the beach boardwalk amusement rollercoaster on the beach boardwalk amusement rollercoaster the little and big dippers maybe I'll see him there that is where they filmed lostboys cry little sister i still believe in real vampires exist with us and in the real world no it couldn't be real well see for yourself and take a listen its sure to be a hit on Halloween too as in funny what an amazing performance as a vmpire a real one, I've never seen this before b
Part 4
Feb 8, 2023
spoken word movie interview with a vampire a real interview with a real vampire two thumbs up applause you have to see this for yourself it's that amazing fun sinfully pleasurable and astounding should I say more yes but I can only make this review so long and until you see it for yourself you just won't get it about how cool and impressive this real interview with a vampire movie based and if officially or what part of it he sure convinced me and for some reason. I'm thinking about going to see the lost boys on that part so funny Michael Michael Michael revvvvvvrevrevrevreeaguuggm resasggghmmm revs the motorcycles fromthat art in the movie list oys I am sure going to listen to this song a lot more times and know I won't be alone because everybody won't want to miss this work of brilliant acting on the part of Rand Markiel as the Retsej demon green skinned part lizard Lucifer exorcist horror movie William Peter Blatty's based infekt such pleasure from this exciting and jaw dropping little kid wlvmpire who always gets what he wants selfish little boychild innocent kid who truly qualifies if not and imean qualifies as in yes it is true he must we must have found the interview recording tapes of the real interview that takes place in a San Francisco old historic rich old town upper class vintage historical merriott hotel in old downtown San Francisco a hop skip and a jump of a couple hour trip from there to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk where lost boys with Kiefer sutherland as the vmpire in that role in the movie played next time I ride the little dipper it always rains in the twisting road on the main highway through the twisting and dangerous sharp turns of the always rains when I go Santa Cruz .ountain main highway road high up in the mountains I'll be on the lookout for rand The Retsej vampire out my car window and once ibreach the beach boardwalk amusement rollercoaster on the beach boardwalk amusement rollercoaster the little and big dippers maybe I'll see him there that is where they filmed lostboys cry little sister i still believe in real vampires exist with us and in the real world no it couldn't be real well see for yourself and take a listen its sure to be a hit on Halloween too as in funny what an amazing performance as a vmpire a real one, I've never seen this before but I couldn't believe it could be done but rand theretsejas vmpire pulls off the role well a little kid in a grown mans body who never really stopped believing he was a the real thing , a real vampire being intderviewed well I'll be darned so much applause Extra Credit : Best actor acting ,direction ,writing storytelling ProductionLyricsHumornfunniest and most innovative best based on interviewwithawvampire podcast movie telling griiviest character and funniest and Oscar winning performance/Grammy /best direction /best new screenplay of 2022-3 Reviewer Anonymous review Date Feb 4 2023 part of editors of underground music and movies and upper class rich article award winning publication /newsletter/magazine publication Not a through Street@CalistogaNapaValpet Northern California Wine Country wine tasting tees and enthusiast rare vintage wine coolllector
Part 3 vmpire review of movie podcast
Feb 8, 2023
on with his fun beyond imagining and make you tear up and cry, funny and crazy little kid imagining or should I say he believes in what might be thought imaginary like an imaginary friend the Retsej lestat vampire demon possessed character being interviewed throughout the recorded tapes being recorded by the interview with a vampire based on the movie this movie/podcastspokenwordstories theatrical play like a radio horror movie show reminds me of they used to broadcast back in the roaring twenties which is where this vampire is obvoiously from that time period in history is strikingly present as an outstanding mood is set as the vampire proceeds with the interview inm still laughing.hahahahahaand acting wild and as a little kid in an imaginary world of still having never grew up and really really obviously as all is known by anybody who knows a thing about vampires as in this role rand as the Retsej Lucifer /demonically possessed vampire being interviewed based on the movie interview with a vampire a real vampire is interviewed watching I with anticipation and at the the end of the podcast story podcast with those scenes from the movie is the end of the movie and part of the start with Brad Pitt as luoie and Tom Cruise plays the part of lestat with Christian Slater as the interviewer end of this remarkable interview hahahahahahahahahahahaahhhahabooihaw hoo stuck him up my nuisxacahance he was such a little nuisance eating btchs like crack fucking rock ate the 80's up I haven't seen such excellence in acting and in a movie spoken word /podcast/song as brilliant in a while this rivals the level of Oscar Grammy winning acting and direction and production of a major multimillion dollar blockbuster award winning screenplay .option picture and is worth it will say I am impressed of listening to over and over for many years to come I can guRu tee this really was that good and worthy of the movie and collaboration with Anne rice who's novel interview shines with rands the retsej's green lizard skin demon little demon kid watch out classy and tasteful and educated he is he might bite hahaha a real vampire vmpire that is and who lives by Santa Cruz and who obviously has been to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk and ride on the rides next time Lost Boys Movie that part is so funny livin' off the blood of the life that ain't fair if the motherfuckin population achiooboohaw Hooo a vampire bout coming back bout to eat you up like a dirty rat I have to say I can honestly give thumbs up all the way to this sofun to watch hilariously crazy wild and thoughtful classy vampire rich well to do but a little kid who thinks he is one rand plays only the coolest thing I have ever seen and one of the best actors wait until people hear this see it for yourself but expect to be entertained and gripping by the edge of your seat to see every line and what the vampire Retsej 0lestat creature human like but his vampire real in real life vampireness as in a real vampire not just acting is why I give this podcast 0movie spoken word song so much extra credit maybe someday we'll meet in real life but I think we just did as it is expect he needs no introduction watch this one it's a work of art and to be cherished and loved such a masterpiece hhaha you know I often have fancied myself a rich superior corporate stock wealthy rich giant/vmpire high on weed and life high society chips all I ever wanted sophisticated and suit wearing classy live forever always win in life as all real vampires are and always do thing tend to always work out their way and their vampire occult brich classy educated and upper class taste and wealth well to do lifestyle always as I'm sure others the rest of the world has fancied themselves to be cut if theis powerful occult secret society club of the wealthy rich and famous have I fancied myself to be a real vampire too as I live and breath how'd he know my secret always wanted to be superior to die to kill for powerful and rich minus the
.vmpire part 2 of review
Feb 8, 2023
laughing.hahahahahaand acting wild and as a little kid in an imaginary world of still having never grew up and really really obviously as all is known by anybody who knows a thing about vampires as in this role rand as the Retsej Lucifer /demonically possessed vampire being interviewed based on the movie interview with a vampire a real vampire is interviewed watching I with anticipation and at the the end of the podcast story podcast with those scenes from the movie is the end of the movie and part of the start with Brad Pitt as luoie and Tom Cruise plays the part of lestat with Chris Sutherland as the interviewer end of this remarkable interview hahahahahahahahahahahaahhhahabooihaw hoo stuck him up my nuisxacahance he was such a little nuisance eating btchs like crack fucking rock ate the 80's up I haven't seen such excellence in acting and in a movie spoken word /podcast/song as brilliant in a while this rivals the level of Oscar Grammy winning acting and direction and production of a major multimillion dollar blockbuster award winning screenplay .option picture and is worth it will say I am impressed of listening to over and over for many years to come I can guRu tee this really was that good and worthy of the movie and collaboration with Anne rice who's novel interview shines with rands the retsej's green lizard skin demon little demon kid watch out classy and tasteful and educated he is he might bite hahaha a real vampire vmpire that is and who lives by Santa Cruz and who obviously has been to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk and ride on the rides next time Lost Boys Movie that part is so funny livin' off the blood of the life that ain't fair if the motherfuckin population achiooboohaw Hooo a vampire bout coming back bout to eat you up like a dirty rat I have to say I can honestly give thumbs up all the way to this sofun to watch hilariously crazy wild and thoughtful classy vampire rich well to do but a little kid who thinks he is one rand plays only the coolest thing I have ever seen and one of the best actors wait until people hear this see it for yourself but expect to be entertained and gripping by the edge of your seat to see every line and what the vampire Retsej 0lestat creature human like but his vampire real in real life vampireness as in a real vampire not just acting is why I give this podcast 0movie spoken word song so much extra credit maybe someday we'll meet in real life but I think we just did as it is expect he needs no introduction watch this one it's a work of art and to be cherished and loved such a masterpiece hhaha you know I often have fancied myself a rich superior corporate stock wealthy rich giant/vmpire high on weed and life high society chips all I ever wanted sophisticated and suit wearing classy live forever always win in life as all real vampires are and always do thing tend to always work out their way and their vampire occult brich classy educated and upper class taste and wealth well to do lifestyle always as I'm sure others the rest of the world has fancied themselves to be cut if theis powerful occult secret society club of the wealthy rich and famous have I fancied myself to be a real vampire too as I live and breath how'd he know my secret always wanted to be superior to die to kill for powerful and rich minus the blood sucking but somehow yeah I still made it what how did How did he know im a real vmpire to always wanted to be that classy rich and powerful and sexy superior popular and famous and control the world and live forever immortal youth immortally young and see the millions of years and decades go by stay a kid immortally youthful never age or die and rule the world from that lofty position of success money privelege and power I love this song /more spoken word movie interview with a vampire a real interview with a real vampire two thumbs up applause you have to see this for yourself it's that amazing fun sinfully pleasurable and astounding should I say more yes but I can on
Play It Again Tony
Apr 22, 2024
Thanks for adds to your playlists.
Mar 22, 2024
Thanks Rand For adding 3Rings To your Playlist !!! Love what your doing with your Channel, Thanks again and Best Wishes and we added a link to your playlist on our page as well Keep Rocking !!
Out Of My Head
Feb 27, 2024
Hello Rand, Thanks for including several songs of mine on different playlists. I recently discovered that I had playlists at the bottom of my page. It took me a year to get 4 or 5 comments on my songs, so I just didn't bother looking at the bottom of the page, LOL. Now that I have I've discovered playlists I can say that I value the inclusion just as much or more than comments. Thank you again for including my songs in your playlists!
Feb 09, 2024
Rand! What's Up! Thanks for liking "This is My Year". I can hear you singing it right now! haha The story behind this song is that my old camp friends are in a band Called DAT BAND! This song me trying to get a night on stage with them. It's kind of a joke though because we have already recorded a couple songs together in the studio. But I haven't been on stage with them since we were 17 years old. Thanks for continuing to ROCK with me
Jan 24, 2024
Thanks I love your songs great story about it I'll be listening old keys don't open new doors isn't that so true about life be listening talk to you sometime again rand
Dec 16, 2023
Rand - Bam! Thanks AGAIN for passing on the music! I love the thought of people playing "Old Keys" on volume 10 and singing at the top of your lungs. Here's the story behind the song. I'm a local pastor and I always have to remember that the answer is not for me to change others, but allow God to change me. Humility. This is the second song where my son Zach is the lead singer. I think he did a great job, but I admit I am bias! Peace and Merry Christmas
Nov 01, 2023
Amber! (with the big smile). Thanks for checking out my music. I appreciate you! Here is the story behind the Comeback Song (maybe, maybe). My son Zach (20) was dating this great girl. They broke up and my wife and I were heartbroken. A year later (last Friday) we went to King's Island Amusement Park and he brought her. I asked him if they were back together and he said "Maybe, Maybe". My wife had just told me the day before to write a song for Zach to sing. So I wrote the song on Sunday and we recorded it on Monday. It was his first time recording a song and I think he did excellent. Please check out some of my other music. And thanks for listening to my loong song explanation. It's people like you that I write for Amber
All comments (8)
Thank you much apprieciate your music glad to have your talent featured on my playlists muchnluv