Pow Wow Poet
I'm the Pow Wow Poet and I do Native American spoken-word poetry which features awesome musicians. Some of the themes are love joy peace Unity and Mother Earth
HI, I'm David Lee Herring- The Pow Wow Poet. My fatherwas from Tommy Hawk, North Carolina .He loved poetry and he is my main influence as a poet. Here you will hear poetry set to Native-American music and chanting. Thanks to Deb Almy, Ken Noland, Fretwell Flutes, David Mark Turner and Frank Wilson, New Port Richey Mike, Indian in the Machine and more for the music that made this dream of mine possible over the last 20 years.. The poetry themes here are spirituality, Brotherly Love and Unity, the Battle to preserve Mother Earth and other Native American themes.
I am proud to feature the artwork of 13 year old artist Kateri Ceplina who did the artistic concept for our upcoming c.d. "Seeds of Redemption: The Poetry of the Pow Wow Poet 2000-2020" The songs presented here are part of that project. Now, I will let Kateri tell you more about herself:
"Aanii, my name is Kateri Ceplina and I am 13 years old and I live in Manistee Michigan. This fall I will be entering my freshman year at Manistee Middle/High School where I also enjoy cross country, cheerleading and hope to join the powerlifting team this year. I am a member of the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians. I also enjoy going to Pow Wows and dancing. I am a a Fancy Shawl Dancer. I have always loved to draw and paint. Recently I have discovered photography as well. A lot of my artwork is inspired by our culture. I am so proud to be Native American."
And we are so proud to have Native Artist Kateri Ceplina as part of this project. I'm sure this will not be the last you will see of the great talent of this awesome Native American young lady.
Here is a link to the Pow Wow Poet Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/powwowpoet/# . We are also including a link to the Pow Wow Poet Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAHKBXHSSiSPKn-CYJiXvKQ?view_as=subscribe Thanks for your support and you may use Pow Wow Poet's spoken word tracks to promote love, joy, peace , Unity and love of Mother Earth.
My Music
83 songs
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9 artists
35 songs ·
30 artists
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58 songs ·
51 artists