John Matteson
Victorville, CA USA
Joined January1 2004
Making music is my lifeblood and all my writing always seems to come back to my life passion. Though I may and often have drifted away from my one true hope JC
I love the ocean. The last time I surfed I had to have knee surgery, so now I body surf with a hand plane. To find out more about hand planes visit my websites (don't forget to click "like" on my facebook page).
My Music
191 songs
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16 songs ·
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33 songs ·
10 artists
Sep 02, 2023
What really helped my finger picking was playing banjo (My Son got me one about 5 or six years ago). I looked on YouTube and found this guy teaching a “frailing” style I think it was called. So the banjo forced me to stop using only a pick and start using all my fingers especially my thumb when picking guitar or playing slide. Never really figured out the whammy bar like Mark Schuster or Gary Ramsey, those guys are monsters on the guitar.
Aug 30, 2023
It is really refreshing how you can play by ear. I do the same as I don’t know how to read music, I just know where the root note is and go from there. So happy you are diggin writing some stuff here, it’s really cool!
Aug 30, 2023
Kath so stoked with all the work you’ve done on these tunes. I really like the sound we are getting. Lord bless you and your Mom!
Aug 29, 2023
Amen, the Lord needs to be Lord. He is in control. I need to submit to Him and walk in step with Him. His way is right and it is in the light of the truth. Holy Spirit have your way this day that I may be pleasing in your sight through the blood of Jesus. Let all darkness run at the spark of Your light. Use us this day for your purpose and your will. In Jesus Name I pray.. Amen
Aug 27, 2023
Very cool Kath. Staying close to the Lord is what it all about. Let Him lead and stay out of the way of what He is doing. Let Him be our guide. He is worthy of our praise!
Aug 26, 2023
Its strange you know alot of people put down Brian Simmons translation of the Passion TRanslation they call him a false prophet but I read His devotionals and feel so much peace from reading them.... I research through 3 bibles ... THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE , THE TREE OF LIFE TRANSLATION , and the PASSION TRANSLATION ..... because Brian is so in love with the LORD he truly is sincere in his approach....that was my first bible....and I am so grateful for it... Brians way is passionate wording towards the glory and revelatory word of GOD... it holds my heart in comfort.. but the new bible the TREE OF LIFE is truly a way Im able to comprehend....sometimes I get confused always want to understand rightly..THE HOLY SPIRIT has really laid it on my heart even moreso now to PRaise GOD in my music and not lean toward my emotional feelings the world puts me through....I realized why GOD wants us close I get it. because of the spirits of AIR that distract from holiness and GOD...
Aug 25, 2023
Tree Of Life Translation sounds interesting . That is cool you read different translations. My Dad gave me a King James Bible and I really like the old English it uses, very poetic.
Aug 03, 2023
SO I bought the TREE OF LIFE TRANSLATION which is a Hebrew bible... translated in english.. its beautiful... I find aramaic beautiful too but its hard to process for me but truly Jesus Yeshua had me at shalom.......I always thought I was all ITalian but I find not so I resonate more with the middle eastern....I praise GOD for both as I love being Italian as well........but Ive had trouble with understanding how to go about studying revelation..... so once again with the HOly SPirits counsel in my heart I know I can do this finally.....I realized taking it literally was my problem... I realized the quality coming from the symbols are chalk filled with revelatory meanings... I finally am slowly beginning to understand ......I keep going back and forth through researching old and new testament findings.....
Aug 03, 2023
JOhn shes home now.. its so strange she loved the place she was in.... it was such a blessing for her she says but she wanted to get home... there but by the grace of GOD she is walking again.... see my momma is a strong yet feeble little feisty Italian woman and sweet at the same time everybody loves her...and IM so grateful I still have her all 94 years of her with me......its not easy livin here though I have conflict with my brother who is a staunch athiest along with his wife.... I dont bother her but she sure bothers me ....SHe despises Christians its not easy....thank fully they leave and I can play and sing my heart out.....and relax..again THank you for being such a good friend to me praying for me and mama.....I miss the beach intensely.....I dont drive and Im in the desert far from the waters of the Ocean brine......salty sea......GOD BLESS YOU JOHN... oh I just bought new bible the TREE OF LIFE TRANSLATION. . IM italian... but we found out Dads Israeli Persian
All comments (47)
Haha, that’s cool about drawing on the instruments! Mixing Who Is Worthy with your backing vox, really dig it!