Kent, United Kingdom
Joined January1 2004
I'm here for fun......that's all.
Keep That Funk Alive!
For me it's all about the Funk and current Jazz trends to create 100 percent my own original music and my take on it for good or bad.
Let the music speak!
My Music
956 songs
5 songs ·
3 artists
22 songs ·
11 artists
8 songs ·
4 artists
4 songs ·
3 artists
14 songs ·
7 artists
19 songs ·
9 artists
4 songs ·
4 artists
16 songs ·
6 artists
25 songs ·
15 artists
16 songs ·
8 artists
Feb 12, 2020
This is the dog I sponsor through the Dog Trust (UK). I receive regular updates about what he's getting up too. Love him to bits and it always cheers me up when I receive cards from him. I'm a massive animal lover and have had dogs of my own (but not currently). My Cassie (Cocker Spaniel) died in 2017. Miss her loads and well as Sophie (Cocker). Thank you. I've had the very sad news that Max passed away at the end of May '20. I'll never forget him. A picture of him will remain in my house forever. This blog will stay here too.
Posted 2 days ago
Hey Keith thanks for the encouraging words about "As I Watch You Breathe" and for sharing your drum sound method with me. Putting drums to songs is something I struggle with, so I end up just using simple .rex files in Cubase...a very old version of it. I tried Logic Pro but it was just way too difficult to figure out. I'm going to try a different software when I start recording again. Something you don't need a university degree to figure out! Have a great week!
Posted 2 days ago
Always a pleasure Keith ! Always makes me smile listening to your tracks . Maizie and me have a new cover up , she wanted to sing with her old dad again ! Have a great weekend too .
Posted 2 days ago
Thanks for giving my song another spin! Yes, working on new stuff, over 40 songs ready to record. Have a great weekend, doing anything special? I'm not too enthusiastic about leaving the house at the moment...too cold!!
Jan 30
I know what you mean about equipment. I've become very attached to mine. A lot of it is 20 to 30 years old...I think it comes under the category of prehistoric lol!
Jan 29
Thanks for the listen & comment, much appreciated! Hope you've still got your telescope, apparently a load of planets are aligned & can be seen across the skies until sometime in February, should be good on a clear night & can be seen with the naked eye too!
Jan 19
Keith Happy 25! 1 new spin up, mix of pop and jazz so I put it in Nujazz , been a lot going on since Aug1 , hope you are good!
Nigel Hardy
Jan 13
Hi Keith, thanks so much for the listen and comment . Wow I bet that was some performance to see. Played Green onions before in bands and thought it would be fun to put on SC
Jan 12
Why do boilers always wait for freezing weather before they go wrong!? Now that you've got it fixed, you can be sure the weather will get warmer now lol
Jan 12
Thanks Keith. I sincerely appreciate the kind and encouraging words.
All comments (1,851)
Thanks again Keith . Very kind . And congrats on 108 number 1s ! Class !