Arlen G Clemons
@Mr Grant
Redlands, CA USA
Joined July7 2010
I love music! Creating, playing, recording, mixing, mastering you name it!!!
I love music and the modern process of making music!
I'm creative at the core and enjoy "the journey". It's the journey that makes the music. I love many different genres, but my passion is jazz (smooth jazz). I love to listen to other artists and can really appreciate when an artist is enjoying their craft. when that comes across in someone's music you can't help but bob your head and pat your feet! Music makes you move!!! :-)
My Music
574 songs
80 songs ·
35 artists
50 songs ·
24 artists
66 songs ·
25 artists
When we were6
Sep 20, 2019
[media] Do you remember being a kid? a 6 year old with no inhibitions? Nothing to worry about? Nothing to fear? Did you have a friend that you were close to? We're they your "bestest" friend ever? Made you feel like you could tell them anything... That's what this song is all about.. The relationship I have with my wife is like that. I can imagine one of us on a swing. The other pushing. We're both singing and laughing. Time just slips away.
Miss You Already
Aug 2, 2017
I know women usually feel this way (ones that are truly in love that is), but do any men feel that way about their woman? I do, but want to know if there are any other men out there that aren't afraid to admit it...
When you Embrace Me
Oct 11, 2016
When I write, its typically only about two individuals. God or my wife. God gets the lion's share, but there are occasions when I get to lay one out there and I KNOW the inspiration has come from my relationship with her. For the record, EVERY song I've written in the last 3 years has reflected to some point a deeper understanding of love, healing and relationship. As it is obvious to me, this is only the grace of God, but it's more apparent that this is through the ever evolving relationship I am privileged to share with my wife. As we pursue loving each other, our perspective of everything around us has changed. We are no longer two people staring into the sunset, we are now one unit. One unit. One mind. One thought. One intention. The song "When you Embrace Me" comes from that perspective. The closer you get to me (sounds like another song right??), the more we become one... You and I are complete when you embrace me... Till next time
There's No Better Place Than Home
Mar 20, 2016
Thank you to EVERYONE that's listened to this song. This song's title has gripped me over the last few months and has been the catalyst for a "new attitude" in me. I've found it really apparent that the most rewarding things in life have NOTHING to do with money, fame, notoriety or anything like that. The most precious things in life have to do with family and loved ones. When we are close to our last breathes, we will NOT be looking to see how much money we made, or how many people likes our songs. The emphasis will be on loved ones. Who did we love. Did they love us? I believe one of the things that will haunt us (in a way) will be - Who did we NOT love? Did we go see them? Did we tell them we loved them? Did we show it? Home (for me) is where all of this starts. It's where we are prefected to love. When we can do it here, we can do it abroad. Love (Charity) begins at home, hence there is NOTHING better than home (here on earth).
Rain in California
Jul 20, 2015
So much for hot and sunny! Rains have FINALLY come to Southern California and in a BIG way! Just as fires had started to break out in the south land, the weather righted itself by raining. Nothing like a rainy day though. It has a sound and feel all it's own. Makes listening to music more intimate and since most of us might stay close to home during this time, it's a great time to get (re) acquainted with old albums, CD's or whatever medium your favorite music is on.
Mar 22, 2021
Real cool Mr Grant I dig your sounds and where you are coming from its all good!
Feb 02, 2021
Feb 02, 2021
Hi Arlen good to hear from you! All good over here. Been busy making me a fishpond. Now the winter is here - snow and ice .. Kind a lost it with making music after the new layout in here.. miss the old classic chart and our wall were we wish for great week-ends and so on. Now it's a labyrint and anti social. Heared from Al ca.2 months ago,he is alright too.
Talk soon!
Sep 28, 2020
How are you doing Arlen? All safe and well I hope. Just sat listening. Tony.
Not For The Mainstream
Apr 30, 2020
Greetings, my friends. I have some NEW tracks posted (Fragile, Sunny, The Ghetto, I Shot The Sheriff, and Just To See Her). Spread love and enjoy your day!
Not For The Mainstream
Apr 09, 2020
Hey, what's happening! - I haven'tquite figured out this NEW soundclick interface (can't find my friend's list, and several other things)? - But, hopefully you are well... despite all this Corona craziness. - Be careful& be safe. - Oh, and wishing you a very creative 2020!!! - Zak
Jun 24, 2019
Hey Folks, I had this in the can to finish. so here it is
"I don't want to"
Have fun and please check this out. THANKS
Not For The Mainstream
Dec 23, 2018
Happy Holidays & Best Wishes For The New Year!!! :)
Dec 04, 2018
Well deserved my friend!
All comments (295)
Hey, Grant... How you doing these days! - Hope the world is treating you well. - I've uploaded some NEW track you might like to hear (Most recently... a cover of SIMPLY RED's "Holding Back The Years." - Check it out... have a great weekend, and be well!