Dave Long
@Gamma's Dave
Joined December12 2003
To know about my great love and obsessive passion, visit, of course, the Gamma Leonis page, Blue Snowball Nebula, John Worsley and The Wimshurst's Machine. I live for music and music lives within me, and I'm eternally grateful for that.
I do occasionally play an instrument track, do some production or write a lyric for other people and rarely say no if I can possibly make the time, so if you're stuck and need a hand, glad to help.
My Music
Nov 19, 2012
Dave, thank you so much for allowing me to write lyrics for your beautiful song and sing upon it...It was a dream come true.....I loved this song upon hearing it......I hope you enjoy what I came up with for it....THe lyrics are up at my page...Thank you again my friend.....THis made my day..BLessings to you and BLess your Music......~In love and light always, Katherine
Nov 19, 2012
Dave thank you so much.....I look so forward to this......BLessings , Katherine
May 12, 2012
thanks for the ear to BROKEN LOVE SONG, Dave. it's truly an icky mix, but i just ADORE Shannon's Americana style. i appreciate your time.
Jan 12, 2011
Hi there, thank you for stopping by my page and leaving a comment for "Chasing Shadows." Really appreciate that! All the best with your music! :)
Jim N Carolyn Barber
Jul 30, 2009
A big howdy from Friendship, TN.USA... I thought I stop by to say hello.. Thank you so much for wanting to be our friend...Jim & I wish you the best in all that you do~THE BEST FOR THE BEST~. God bless you....Jim & Carolyn
dont call me shirley
Jul 22, 2009
And again :) Holidays are only made interesting by the people that can be stalked. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
dont call me shirley
Jul 20, 2009
Stalking, Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking,Stalking.....
dont call me shirley
Jul 19, 2009
Apr 28, 2009
Hi Dave! Glad to see that after years, your passion for music continue to grow. Thank you for your visit.
Andre Vezina
All comments (33)
Hey Dave - Happy New Year!