Finlay Blackwood
FISHERIE, GRAMPIAN / Banffshire United Kingdom
Joined December12 2003
Lead Guitarist, recording engineer. production. Media distribution.
Lead guitarist, Founding member and composer of The 'Unpredictable Headband'.
Currently playing Gibson SG, Gibson SG Voodoo fitted with Shadow Midi pickup., Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster Guitars. Rickenbacker lead and Bass guitars. Kramer Assault and Harley Benton guitars.
Pre-amps used : V-amp pro & Boss GT Pro modelling guitar amplifiers. Gigs and live with Boss Katana Ex and BLACKSTAR core
Korg D3200 digital mixing and recording desk. behringer X-air.,TASCAM Model 16, FCA1616 + ULtragain, ADAT - DAW Mixcraft 10.5 pro. Editing and Effects.
My Music
64 songs
12 songs ·
10 artists
19 songs ·
9 artists
1 song ·
1 artist
2 songs ·
1 artist
5 Years on
Jul 19, 2023
so where does the time go? Thinking of quiting this site. Its getting rather funky - n difficult ! Seems aimed at charts adn sales -whatever happened to music? Once I get 100 songs loaded that it... one year of plays then going to demote to a free site, save 100 quid a year - or spend it elsewhere.
xmas holidays and jammin, Studio 3 open
Dec 11, 2018
Not much of a blogger, XMAS is here again, Parties and Social life lined up. No work for a week or two.. May manage to fit in some performing, learn some new songs (covers) I used to hate playing covers but, it can be quite entertaining for the folks that like to hear something familiar. Can always go into creative jazz jam mode to amuse myself. Hoping some musicians will actually show up and Jam or just drop round for a JAM at my home studio. Studio 3 is open!
songs you would like
May 23, 2013
Evil washing machine , It's not the best recording but it's a red hot, rocking song to give a blast whiles't your getting read to go out on a Friday or Saturday night. (so I am told by a fan anyway) [media]
Dec 5, 2010
started up the duc and the street triple - nice to hear them running FJR started and went for a few seconds and then stopped - nay petrol
Jul 24, 2012
Thanks so much for adding my song, SILLY little PEOPLE to your station, what a hoot..:-)
Peace and love..:-)
Nov 18, 2011
Why "Feet"? did u come out "feet first" from the womb? & why u ducking in the bushes? Just joking-pleased to make ur acquaintance sir!
bigmonty(Angel White)
Aug 18, 2011
Thanks for checking me out.
I did some listening here, like the tunes, the humor, LOVE the sound of that Ric.
Oct 26, 2007
Dropping by to say howdy cuz and see how things are going in your neck of the woods .Have a kick ass weekend :)
PS Crank it up this weekend let it rip :)
Mar 11, 2007
Not easy to understand the manual, I made my own cheat sheet. That helped a little. Still an ackward bugger to program. Great sounds and preset songs are pretty good but u soon run out of ideas. Get into the pad function and setup your own song with pads set up to loop / sequence and sound patterns the way you want. You can then play it in real time. First Need to copy pattern to a user pattern before you can save the kit edit set for pad assignment in song mode. Worth the effort.
Mar 05, 2007
Yea that is a pretty cool drum machine im just to lazy to program it lol like most drum machines lol rock on cuz :)
All comments (7)
Hello Feet! I'm doing well musically thanks. Honing my skills and arraigning some small gigs for now. Stay cool!