John Sullivan
@sniper johnny
Boston,FL,Ky, Fl,Ky,Mass USA
Joined July7 2009
... My name is John Sullivan and I am the creator of all the music you hear on the page....I attend Berklee college of music and when I'm not there I am traveling constantly... I'm Here to network...Injoy the Music...
Jorjiverse Productions
Apr 26, 2010
Thanks for the add, man! I'll be sure to check out your tunes later, when I'm not "busy" working! ;)
Apr 15, 2010
Hey John, thanks for the add!
Apr 14, 2010
thanks for the add :)
the high ping
Apr 13, 2010
wow great playin and creativity thanks for adding me as friend , best steve
Apr 10, 2010
Thank you for adding us as friends. We look forward to getting to know you!
All comments (6)
god u seem soooo damn familiar!! I know i know you from somewhere.....