Anneke Bahq
Sedona, AZ  USA Joined April4 2009
Artist who lives between Belgium and the USA USA-Sedona, AZ... I sometimes work out of San Diego/LA when I work freelance writing. Writer, Painter, Jewelry Maker....I'm Irish/Ojibwe & Spanish/Chibchan-how's that for an racial mix? My YouTube page Webpage (3 Webpages in the Netherlands) Contact me all you Musicians and Artists who will allow me to create a video to be posted on YouTube, then shown in the Netherlands, Belgium... Europe. No other agenda than love doing it, sharing it around the globe. I've worked "a long time" as an artist and I realize getting your work out there isn't always easy... so here is a way. Call it "my electronic palette," I get to have fun making a video and your music/art gets out there into beautiful cyberspace. Check out my YouTube videos to see my styles. My past work included producer for an indie-movie co. so I'm not interested in utter insane wackiness...just something that compliments & fully credits the Artist. I take suggestions but hopefully you'll trust me- but if the end product is hated by you, I'll change or remove it. -My greatest passion is for Native American or progressive sounds in rock, folk-even country, electronic... connected with Visuals in Nature, the Southwest, creativity. I'm also a big fan of beautiful and surrealistic photography. Truthfully, I'm open to many Artistic styles...if it's good that what counts. ...OK? I don't bite.
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Nov 15, 2010
Greetings from "Hot'Lanta", GA... Thank you very much for including me in your list of friends!!!
Carlos Carranza
Jun 30, 2009
Hi Anneke,thanks for the fan add...i feel honoured...I will com back soon...My best wishes..Carlos