larry hurst
@lg hurst
Glendale Heights, il USA
Joined January1 2009
I have been fascinated with robots and model trains since I was very young, and the love has only been growing with age!
Music was not discovered until I was 12 or 13 years old however, due to the fact that my parents really never listened to any music at all.
But, I received a transistor pocket radio for a birthday gift one year and I quickly found the pop stations and fell in love with the Beatles.
Later I discovered Jimi Hendrix music which opened many new doors, and my musical beginning had started!
My Music
138 songs
12 songs ·
1 artist
46 songs ·
19 artists
6 songs ·
1 artist
Oct 28, 2010
Thanks for the Cool Comments on my new song.
extra crispy
Jan 20, 2010
Hi Larry, Just stopping by to say hi, Love your Aerodyne Strat, I've been looking for one I could afford for a while.
I finally posted a new tune "Fast Driver" please check it out when you get a minute.
Oct 23, 2009
Hi Larry...thanks for the friend request...happy to add any of my BR forum buddies! Hope to wander thru your posts over the winter as time allows. Anything new and exciting always feel free to give me a shout and a link and i'll swing by!
Oct 11, 2009
Cool Stuff Larry!!!!!
Nice to see you here!!
Jim from Jersey!
Mar 29, 2009
Hey Larry.Thank you so much for the comment.Have a blessed day.
tim green
Mar 02, 2009
Hey Larry! Good luck with your first XDoubleCrossX gig! You guys rock. And thanks for all your support and positive comments.
Feb 06, 2009
What's up Larry!
Thanks and God Bless...
Fat Chance
Feb 06, 2009
Hi Larry - Thanks for the add and welcome to Soundclick. There is a lot of good music here.
Feb 06, 2009
Hi Larry,
Thanks for friend request. I see some familiar faces here.
All comments (11)
Stopped by for a listen and say hi Tim