Tony DeLecce
Posted 6 days ago
Sorry Tony “chuffed” is a Brit term for being very pleased ! Thanks for taking time to listen again too . Appreciate that greatly .
Posted 7 days ago
Always a pleasure Tony and thank you for the listen and comments on the chain . Maizie will be chuffed ! Might do one more FM song as she likes them and old music in general so keep my fingers crossed she continues singing .
Feb 08
Hey Tony
Tanks for stepping by at my SC side and give a fine comment to my newest work rolling sounds
Have a fine weekend !!!!!! Greeetz from salt castle
Feb 06
Think I got the message board thing fixed, at least on my member page. There may be a delay of display though at my artist page. I changed some settings as per soundclick support.
Feb 05
Hey Tony thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment. Dreams take Flight is an old recording done in 2011.
Feb 05
Thank you so much, Tony....As for our President Trump, I think he is doing a fine job as President again, so far.
Jan 29
Thanks so much for the listen & comments, really appreciated! Site glitches...glad it's not just me, there have been some very weird things going on lol!
Jan 29
Finally got a new one up when you're in the neighborhood!
Diamonds In The Snowlight
Jan 26
Lol, don't you just love technology!!
Jan 23
-1 F is equal to got down to -22C the other night here. Just brutal. You're right spring does seem a long ways off.
Jan 20
Thanks for checking out my latest uploads Tony. I wish I was still recording like you but it's just impossible now. Keep up the good work on your music. Your longevity is inspiring.
Jan 18
Tony, Your new songs are so beautiful.
Jan 08
Hey Tony thanks for the messages and kind words on the new uploads. You're a very prolific writer and interpreter of others music. I could never be that productive. It will be a long while before I record anything new, but I have songs in my archives that I can post in the meantime. It's just nice to be back here at the click.
Jan 04
Pleasure Tony ! Yeah still teaching part time . Gotta earn a living !
Jan 03
Let me know when they are up Tony .
Jan 03
Thanks very much for the listen and great review of Telephone line . Very much appreciated as per . Sorry to steal your thunder if you were going to do it ! You should still do it though . It’s a great track !
The telephone sounds I found on my synth . There’s quite a few different telephone sounds so just used closest I could find .
I played the piano separately from the strings with a piano / pad setting which just beefs up the piano tone . I used string settings for the orchestra sound .
Yes Richard Tandy did pass last year such a shame . Great player for ELO .
Jan 02
Happy new year Tony ! managed to finish a new cover today .
Jan 02
Happy New Year Tony!
Dec 31, 2024
Hi Tony! Thanks a lot for your kind words on my latest! Have a great evening and a great 2025!
You’re welcome Tony . Always enjoy listening to your tracks . Why do we do originals ? Well it’s a skill and very rewarding to create your own . You write really good songs and a lot more than me . I intend to write more but get side tracked with bucket list songs etc and now I’m recording with Maizie to keep her interested . Almost finished Go your own way FMac . I do love writing and the feeling of creating something new but it’s easier to copy than create new !