Kenneth Phillips
Gulf Breeze, FL  USA Joined April4 2008
My Music
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Empty Audio
Jun 28, 2014
Hello, my friend..I know I know, it has been forever since i've been around. Life in the the fast lane, surely make you loose your mind! Hope all has been well! keep on rockin!
Empty Audio
Jun 28, 2014
Hello, my friend..I know I know, it has been forever since i've been around. Life in the the fast lane, surely make you loose your mind! Hope all has been well! keep on rockin!
Sep 04, 2011
G'day, Kenneth, Thank you very much for your visit and kind comment:)! Mauri.
Empty Audio
Jul 31, 2010
Life is all good man, just busy as a beaver in a wood pile. Hope you are well. Soon life will slow down a bit and the tunes will cont to pour out of the studio! Looking forward to it!
Empty Audio
Feb 27, 2010
Hey bro, Thx for the listens and comments! You are sooo right, I need to get busy on some recording. It has been a crazy busy last few months! I gotta get the dust off the gear and push record!! lol I got many ideas, just gotta get them mixed down!! Hope all is going great down south, Take care!! ~Matt
Empty Audio
Jan 18, 2010
Hey bro, once again I am back trying to play catch up on all your songs!! can sure bust them out faster than I can hear them and review!! lol I still don't think I have fully made it through your back catalog let alone keep up with the new!! hehe! I am loving them all tho..keep it up! I hope your new year is going awesome! ~Matt
Jan 08, 2010
Hey, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment... I really enjoy your music.... And The Message... Keep on Rockin If you get a chance, check out "The Other Side". My 1st Christian metal. Jeff
Electric Shadow
Dec 23, 2009
Happy Holidaze! May your new year be filled with many blessings ! LLP...~ES~
Empty Audio
Dec 19, 2009
Hey there brother, Nice new track!! I hope you and yours has a great Christmas and New Years, I gotta get busy this week and do the combat shopping with all the other last minute crazies!! Wish me luck!! lol I got a couple tunes in the works, but haven't been able to put in too much time lately, tis a very busy time of year!! I'm glad you are able to keep blessing us in great music!! At least you are pulling my weight!! hahah Take care man, Happy Holidaze!! ~Matt
Dec 12, 2009
Hey Ken its your Friend DJ Redman at EternalCrossRadio where your music is doing great God Bless My Brother Redman