Waterford, Ct. USA
Joined January1 2008
My Music
49 songs ·
22 artists
28 songs ·
15 artists
64 songs ·
14 artists
71 songs ·
25 artists
32 songs ·
12 artists
67 songs ·
33 artists
62 songs ·
35 artists
106 songs ·
24 artists
49 songs ·
30 artists
141 songs ·
78 artists
May 10, 2008
Are some artists deceiving the public?
Apr 18, 2008
I attend a lot of concerts by bands who were once popular recording artists. And though a usually do my homework by checking into seeing what artists are still with a particular band, I'm sure there are many folks who have no idea that they are not seeing the original group in whole. Many acts out there are still using their original names, while only one or two members were with the original group. And lately, some States have formulated laws against bands for using the original names when no members were in the original group. Which more or less makes them nothing more then a cover band of the original artists. How do you feel about it? Do you think old groups should advertise up front that there are only certain members who were originals as bands like the Yardbirds have done, or maybe change their names somewhat to show they aren't still the original lineup like Creedence Clearwater has done, or even give the impression that there's just one original member as John Kay and Steppenwolf have done. Do you think there should be laws to stop imposters from using a well known names, or perhaps forcing them to say they are a tribute or cover band?
Have concert tickets become unaffordable?
Jan 31, 2008
Ok, I'm old school. In that I mean I grew up through the 60's where you could go to a small venue and see The Doors, The Mothers Of Invention and Jethro Tull all in the same night for $5. Now a days I have to pay $225 to go see The Eagles retire for the 6th time. Or pay $90 to sit in the nosebleed section. Do you think that promoters and artists have put the cost of concerts out of the reach of the normal working class hero?
Sep 01, 2009
Hi Pat
How's it going?
Hope all is well!
We have a new Song!
We'd love it if you
dropped by with a comment
Paul & Chris
The Talismen
Apr 09, 2009
Hi Pat
Thanks for your coments!
Happy Easter!
All The Best
Paul & chris
The Talismen
May 23, 2008
Hello Pat,
Thank you for adding my songs to your station.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, :)
May 07, 2008
You added my collab song!!!!!!!!
Yah...that ROCKS!!!!!
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!
I just put it up and am very happy about it!
larry lee vannatta
Apr 23, 2008
Hi Pat
Thanks for the adds honur to be on your station, you have some very good stuff on your station. I'm a indiependent artist and places like soundclick really help me get songs out there on the net.
I just up load 14 songs off my "Iron Lady" there are alot of songs that made top 10 in Canada, Eurpoe, States, hope you enjoy and keep up the great support, all us indie's thank you.
Larry Vannatta
Mr Mofo
Apr 03, 2008
Hi Pat!
Many thanks for adding so much of my stuff to your stations! It's good to know that someone has enjoyed it so much. Happy listening!
All the best,
Buddy Lee McCartney
Apr 01, 2008
HelloPat you are wiser than It seems like you have had your share of travels my friend thanks again stay in touch Buddy Lee
Buddy Lee McCartney
Apr 01, 2008
HelloPat thank you so much for playin my songs on your station do me a favor so i don't have to go through my friends list to keep in touch with ya leave me a comment on my message board and your profile will be there makes it easy stay in touch and good luck in all ya do Buddy Lee
Feb 18, 2008
i did get the email about the 60s ravers and ill tell you.. very similar :) talk to you soon
All comments (25)
Happy New Year! Peace and Love The Talismen