renee hartman
Joined November11 2007
Single, live in USA. Like both hard rock
and country/bluegrass music. Loves
animals, esp. cats. In my spare time, I
also write song parodies and poems.
I have just recently started writing
original songs with the collaberation
of a fellow Soundclick member, Billy
Flack, a country singer/songwriter
who lives in the United Kingdom.
My Music
68 songs
9 songs ·
7 artists
50 songs ·
18 artists
126 songs ·
38 artists
130 songs ·
17 artists
186 songs ·
57 artists
Merry Christmas Bogus and Cloud 2010
Dec 24, 2010
Can't believe it's Christmas again already. Where has the time gone so fast? Here it is now 7 years later my beloved Khan. Hard to believe that 7 years have slipped by so fast since you left this world. Thank you for giving my heart back to me. I have been so lost and lonely for all this time until the morning I woke up and knew without a doubt that I was whole again inside. And thank you for watching over my precious Babygirl. What an unbelievable blessing and comfort she has turned out to be to me. Always thinking of you there at the Rainbow Bridge waiting patiently for me, looking after Cloud, your mom, brothers and even poor little Patches who is restored to full health and playing joyfully at the Bridge. Poor little guy, I'm so sorry I could not save him, but he was just too far gone. I tried, I really tried, but in the end all I could do was offer him food, water, and shelter until he was called home. Are you still chasing that nasty old red squirrel? Hope so, cause it serves him right for humiliating you like he did. Hope you even get a chance to bite him on the tail just to get even. Take care my beloved, one day I will see you again. For tonight I will light the white candle and play your song in rememberance. Cloud my sweet furangel, Tonight marks 2 years and 2 months since your untimely passing from this world. Sweetheart I miss you as we all do, and I am so sorry about the way you left this world. To the day I die, I will always wish that I could have been with you during you last moments. I can't help it that's the way I feel. It's just not fair that I was able to be with my beloved Khan, and even able to see Patches off from this world, but not able to be with our darling Cloud when it was his time to leave this world. Just not fair! But thank you with all my heart for the 4+ years of joy, comfort, love, and laughter that you brought to us. Please continue to keep Patches company and help Khan do his job there at the Bridge as you both wait paitently for us to join you at the Bridge when our times come. In the meantime, I will light your candle, play your song, and drink a cup of hot cocoa to you both in rememberance. I love you I love you I love you Your everloving human Mom
Tomorrow marks 7 years now
Oct 3, 2010
My beloved Khan, Tomorrow marks 7 years since you left this world and crossed over to the beautiful Rainbow Bridge. Even so, I still miss you something awful. Does not matter that it's been 7 years, it still hurts, and I still miss you. I always will sweetheart. But I know that you are young, strong, healthy, and whole again, just as I remember you at the peak of your youth, glory, strength, and beauty. There at the Bridge looking after your brothers, Bugsy, Willow, and Bouger. And our adorable Cloud. All of his human family still misses him dreadfully, but then you and he both know that. And so do the kitties. It's hard to even say his name around Seven and Claw and Fire espically. But I know that you both know that too. I just want to say thank you for 12+ wonderful years of love, loyalty, and lessons that you taught me. as well as memories that I will cherish in my heart and mind till the day I draw my last breath. And the special final lesson that you taught me in your passing. That the very essence of who you were, and will always be did not go into a great nothingness. That the Rainbow Bridge is a real place and that the silver cord of love can not ever be broken. My two most favorite memories of you are the long trip from California to Missouri, and the tangle with that nasty old red squirral. Are you still chasing him around there at the Bridge? I hope so because it would serve him right for humiliating you like he did. I will be playing your special song tomorrow and the 5th, as well as lighting a white candle of pure love to remember you by. I will never forget.... Until we meet again my friend......... Your loving human Mom
New Year's Eve at Rainbow Bridge
Dec 31, 2009
The old year has wound down to a close.The new year is fast approaching and waves of excitement wash over the bridgekids at the Rainbow Bridge. It is also a time for reflecting and some sadness, as each bridgekid looks back upon, and remembers the past year. For those who are waiting for their special person, it is espically sweet and sad, but at the same time, also exciting to see how things will be going for their special loved one. Bogus and Cloud announce to every one to gather together to ring in the new year as the very air starts to sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. All the bridgekids gather together and form a great circle, just as all the angels gather together. And finally the Bridgekeeper appears. In the most soft and tender voice ever heard, he tells all the bridge kids to continue to wait patiently for their loved ones. For the ones who have no special person to wait for, he gently reminds them to wait for the rescuer who delivered them from a life of misery and pain. And for the ones who were starved, neglected, beaten and abused, he kindly reminds them to continue to wait for the special person who they never got to meet in their earthly life. The angels flit about giving out love and comfort where it is needed. As the midnight hour approaches, the Bridgekeeper gives a white candle to each and every one of the Bridgekids, to be lit at the exact hour of midnight. As the last 10 seconds of the old year draw to a close, all the Bridgekids, the angels and the Bridgekeeper count down from 10, 9, 8, 7 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and ONE! As in a chorus of welcome and love the Rainbow Bridge ripples at the cry of "Happy New Year!" and the candles are lit, lighting up the Rainbow Bridge with a white light of unearthly beauty. As in one voice, the BridgeKids sing out to their loved ones, "I love you , I love you, I love you....... Renee Hartman copyright 12-31-09 8:39 pm
Merry Christmas Babygirl 2009
Dec 23, 2009
I have given full honor and respect to my beloved Khan of 12+ years, but sweet girl it is now time to give full honor and respect to the little gray kitty who had a big part in saving my life back in August of this year. Little girl, without you, there is a very good chance that I would not even be here to write this tribute to you which you so well deserve. When I was forced to take to my bed becausse I thought I was suffering something else, and in such pain, you were right there with me every second. If I got up to go to the bathroom, you followed me. You refused to leave me alone for one second while in there, you followed me back out to my bed, you jumped up on the bed and placed your warm little body right over the affected area and refused to go anywhere or do anything other than to get down long enough to grab a bite to eat and to do your personal business in your litterbox. And when it became very obvious that I had to go to the hospital, I remember you put your ears back and howled as if your heart was breaking.How that ripped at my heart, because I could tell that you knew something was very wrong with me. Well Little Fur Angel, I did go to the hospital by ambulance, and it turned out that if I had not, I would have died. The doctors rushed me into emergency surgery as quick as they could. The recovery period was painful and slow, and it's taken 4 and 1/2 months for me to get to where I can walk short distances again and start regaining my health, but if you had not been there with me at the time I needed you the most, I would not be here today. So I want to say thank you to my LIVING fur angel, that I get to see 2 weekends a month. Two weekends that are special to me because I get to hold you, love you and cuddle you for hours on end until it's time for you to go back home to your kitty family. Where it is a safer place for you to live right now until I can find a place for me to move to that would be safer for me to have you on a more permanent basis. I am sorry that I did not get to spend these past 2 weekends with you, but I have just been so very busy getting ready for Christmas and getting all my gift baskets out to everyone on my gift list. But I will see you Christmas Day and make it a point to spend some special time with you. And I will be looking forward to spending the 1st weekend of the new year with you. I expect it will be cold so there will be plenty of time to cuddle and keep each other warm. Until I see you again.... I Love You I Love You I Love You Your loving human mother
Merry Christmas Bogus Khan 2009
Dec 23, 2009
My Beloved Fur Angel, I can't believe that Christmas has slipped up on me so fast this year. It seems like only yesterday that it was the start of December and suddenly it is almost Christmas Eve. Sweetheart, I will always miss you until the time comes for me to leave this earth and be reunited with you forever at the Rainbow Bridge. I have placed your picture with the 12 red mini bows surrounding it on the wall where I can see it every day when I wake up. Those 12 years you were here on this earth were 12 of the best years of my life. When my relationship was falling to peices, and even when things were completely off track with my kids, you were always there with me, and for me, loving me no matter what. So when it was your time to leave this earth, I could do no less than to be there with you, and for you, all the way to the very end, then to give your empty shell of a body a most honorable and dignified burial. And to remember you always. I am so happy that the poem I wrote in your honor 2 days after your passing those 6 years ago, was placed into the hands of a most talented and sensitive musician who turned your poem into a song that has imortalized you forever. I play it often, but then you know that. I miss you and always will, but your song has brought closure at last for me. Please take care of Cloud Warrior, a most worthy kitty to have been sent to us to fill the huge pawprints that you left all over our hearts. And poor little Patches, my little wayfarer that I could not save, but only give food, water, shelter, and guidance to when it was his turn to leave this mean old world. I wish I could have done more for him , but he was just too far gone from being abandoned and unfed for so long. Say hello to Bugsy, and give him our special love. And please keep watch over your brothers Willow and Booger, as well as your mom Layla. Let her know that I will forever love her for bringing you all to me and my now ex when you were such tiny kittens. And I hope you are still chasing that nasty old red squirrel there at the Bridge. Serves him right for embarrassing you like that. So tomorrow night(Christmas Eve) I am going to light a white candle for you, as well as one for Cloud Warrior, have a toast of hot cocoa in your memories, and listen to yours and Cloud's songs as a special way of remembering you both.. Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge....... I Love You I Love You I Love You Your loving, greiving Mom
billy flack songwriter
Jan 27, 2012
billy flack songwriter
Dec 31, 2011
billy flack songwriter
Jun 17, 2011
ow crazy old jack by you and harry
love hell yessssssssssssssssss
billy flack songwriter
Jun 17, 2011
billy flack songwriter
Jun 06, 2011
got yr mess no probs
just wanted you to here the acoustic version
the lyrics i found in ma drawer must have been
one we were workin on and hence the missing verse
but the original will stay sealed so dont worry
just wanted to try it in this version
yr friend billy
ow and iam glad yr gettin there
keep up the good work
billy flack songwriter
Jun 05, 2011
hi renee only me
check ma page
just finished an acoustic version of your fav song
done live here in studio today
sun 5th june 2011
i think youwill love it
very plain and no frills just
a true meaning song
billy flack songwriter
May 03, 2011
hi renee
send me yr email and messenger address
as ive had to clean up spam virus off com
and lost all contacts
hope yr well
billy flack songwriter
Jan 18, 2011
renee tried to get you
go to annas site for a snip of valley rd songs think youl be blown away
yr friend
Dec 16, 2010
hello renee thx for stopping gby i will get a listen to ur new song sweety, trust that u and your family will have a wonderful christmas and a very prosperous new year , tc hugs xxxx
All comments (130)
with great sadness and last message here on feb 2012 my true friend and lyric writer renee hartman passed away i will miss you dearly renee yr friend you may be gone but never forgotten my friend billy