Current mood: Pensive Current weather: warm 26°C, cloudy Current listening: erm, nothing at the moment Beltane, or Bealtaine, or however you call it. comes to the northern hemisphere. It definitely has been summery here. Life is moving at a brisk pace. So it is also in my personal life, with new developments coming into play and my life moving forward. Usually this time of year is not my thing, those who have followed my blog know that I'm a winter person. Lately, though, I've been more at peace, which I suppose is appropriate in this time of spring and summer. As usual, I acknowledge the opposing cycles--in the southern hemisphere the opposite position of the wheel is active, as Samhain comes into play--the time of endings. What has been sown is now reaped, and life will retreat for the winter cycle. For myself, things that pertain to my life now will come to fruition in their time. I know this is a short one, but there are changes afoot in my life, and my presence here at Soundclick will be limited--okay, it will continue to be limited--a lot of things are in flux in my life at the moment, but I thought I would be remiss if I didn't put in at least a token effort at my usual seasonal blog entry. Yes, some good things are potentially coming, so don't worry too much about me. :D Light and dark blessings, -DL