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USA Joined July7 2007
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Mar 01, 2017
Dear friend, with some pride I report that the fourth LaughingSkull album 'Birthright' has just been released. http://www.amadearecords.com/view_album.php?object=193
Dec 14, 2015
Have a wonderful Holiday :)))
Jan 02, 2013
Dreamlight! I hadn’t imagined to hear from you this night--or when the message was sent--but tonight for me….I suppose that is the beauty of posts and retroactive collected when ready replies, where weeks, months, even years, and then suddenly—surprise! 8DDDD Happy New Year! (I know this is your season…enjoy!!!) :D
Oct 20, 2012
Hey DL...cant say I have been busy...got stuck on Facebook for the most part...it is true that I have been sick quite alot but I have no good reasons for why I havent been here....short term memory loss etc....Hope all is well with you..........Peace Owl
Mar 14, 2012
Hi DL, ...Been awhile....it's nice to hear from you. Life is fleeting; it moves too fast....best to appreciate the glory of all we have while it lasts. ~Season's blessings :D
Dec 18, 2011
Good to hear from you DL, Knowing how you feel this time of year, and how, of all seasons. this is your time, I would like to wish you a Happy (and solemn) holiday. Cheers! :D
Oct 31, 2011
Happy Sabbath DL!!!! :D
Oct 02, 2011
Hello Dreamlight!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear from you, and hope you have a Blessed Day!!! I have been working so much and not on here as much as I'd like. See, I have also moved and do not have my recording stuff set up. Soon, I hope. It's a boring life...all I seem to be doing is working.:) Autumn is here and I like this cold weather. I bond with Nature more every day. Walking to town many times a day for old people is part of my job. I do in home health care and I like to walk rather than drive, to be outdoors in the weather. How have you been? Sweet Blessings, Bendith, Lekzee
Sep 30, 2011
Thanx for stopping by! ;)
Sep 17, 2011
Haaa! Good point. Will need a "friends-only" bandwidth... measured in heArtz.