Brandon Richie
Upton, Ma USA
Joined June6 2007
Update Sept 2020: COVID has provided inspiration...more music is on it's way!
Instrumental Rock Guitarist. Technical prowess meets soulful feel.
About me: Born and raised in Pittsburgh PA, now in MA. Began playing guitar at 13, wrote my first song at 16, when I joined my first (progressive rock) band. Began playing the local bar/club scene while learning to drive...and learning to play in odd time signatures. A few band name changes and line up changes later, playing bigger and better Original Band scenes, breaking up, and moving across the country...I now spend most of my playing time as a session guitarist.
I'm trained mainly in straight up rock, and mostly self taught, but I love and appreciate all genres and types of music. Now I write and record at home, and occasionally fly back to the 'Burgh as a hired gun for recording sessions and clinics.
My Music
Productive in lockdown
Sep 21, 2020
After rediscovering SoundClick in over 10 years, I realized what drew me to this site in the first place. A ton of great original music, too much talent to measure, and linking up with other musicians. As I'm trying my best to not put on the COVID-19 pounds, and to give my liver a break from the nightly IPAs, I once again got inspired to put my free time to use and be productive. I've been recording again, trying out some new gear, and hope to post a bunch of tracks soon! It's been so long, I'm not sure what the landscape is here anymore, but at least this is an outlet to get some songs out there, and check out some new material from some old friends, and perhaps make some new ones. Feel free for anyone to comment on anything, reach out, etc. After all, making music and connecting is what it's all about. [media]
Jun 17, 2008
I have GAS.
Jun 5, 2008
All guitarist eventually have it. Some never get rid of it. I’m constantly struggling with it. Not the gas that Maylox is for--I’m talking about Gear Acquisition Syndrome. In the elusive search for “the tone”, it is all too easy to get GAS. Buying every new gadget to hit the cover of the Musician’s Friend catalog, thinking the holy grail of tone is sitting on page 15, waiting for me to nab. The stacked shelves and topped-off Rubbermaid bins in my basement are the proof. Sure, sometimes I just want to try something new. But most of the time I’m sure that this new shiny box is just what I need to get that Holy Grail tone. Surprisingly, I was only right once. Only a few years ago, when my long time rack died, I decided to try to get the tone that I had in my rack, old school. [media] So my quest had began again. Tried to replace my preamp with a POD/Poweramp option. Not bad, but too digital when cranked up. So I once again dusted off my old Marshall JCM900 (which I just learned was released as a reissue-WooHoo for me to have an “original”, LOL!). I bought everything you are “supposed” to have with a Marshall, from a DS-1, to a SD-1, to some more processors in the loop, to delay pedals, some crybaby wahs, a Rat, some old chorus pedals…and yet, I’m not happy. The ONE piece that I stumbled on that I absolutely can not live without is my Guytone compressor. Hot crap, this pedal is the shiznits. But outside of that, there are no real “keepers” in my chain. So on my boughts of boredom or weekend lunch breaks, I’m back on the internet looking for more gear. Which is silly—my guitar through the cranked compressor into the Marshall with NOTHING in the loop is probably the best tone I have ever heard. But I’m just *positive* that there is something better. The best/suckiest thing is, when I listen to recordings of my old rack, or my stripped Marshall, or my Marshall with 87 effect boxes, or my Flextone, or even my friggen POD, they all sound almost exactly the same…they all sound like me. I should just buy that bottle of Maylox and call it a day.
New Colab with Kowch!
Jun 17, 2008
Just finished up laying a lead down for a HOT new track from Kowch called Deeper pt1. I am a HUGE fan of his, so when he came to me with idea, asking me for input and to see if I could lend a lead, I didn't have to think twice. I dug this song so much, the hardest part wasn't jamming something to it, but deciding which of the 9 takes I liked the best, or which one was worthy enough. Head over to his place to check out some more of his amazing work, and STAY TUNED...this is Deeper part 1
New Colab with eljape!
Jun 5, 2008
Update...It's finally complete!! New, beautiful, and unexpected track recorded! As I am hard at work recording some new things, I came across a beautiful piece by my friend Len (aka eljape). It was so beautiful, I immediately thought, "man, this would sound great with a hot lead." I struggled for the right ending, recorded like 12 different versions, but I decided on a swell/harminic feedback lead similar to the head. I think it completes the piece nicely. I do hope you enjoy. Please stop by Len's to check out more of his awesome work:
Serenaded Heart
Jun 09, 2010
You are so welcome, Brandon!!
I'm curious to know as to what you
thought about the Lost finale.
Keep on rockin!
Apr 28, 2010
uploaded a scrap track im workin on..unchained melody..literally just an improv jam but workin on re-recording..what have you been up too?
Mar 25, 2010
left u a message somewhere on your page and apparently its not here lol
Feb 24, 2010
Hey there! I just posted 2 new songs, Touch the Sun and Apparent Transparent. Was hoping you could comment on them when you get a chance. Thanks so much!
Take it EZ.
Neil Muz Murray
May 25, 2009
Yo Dude!!
Just thrown another caustic instrumental frenzy up called Hatemaker!
Check it out!
Take it easy & Crank that MOFO!!
May 23, 2009
Hey Brandon stopping by for a howdy and to wish you a great weekend cuz ;)
May 08, 2009
Hey Brandon have a great friday and a kick ass weekend cuz Can I Have A Hell Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Empty Audio
Mar 13, 2009
Got a new one done, titled "The Steel Rails". Check it out, turned out pretty cool I think. Give it a spin and hit me back.
Empty Audio
Mar 12, 2009
Got a new one up titled "Fathers Flight", would appreciate your input.
*WARNING* its very mellow
All comments (189)
Drive is a hot tune Brandon great work!