Harold Keller
Newton, IA  USA Joined November11 2006
My Music
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Feb 17, 2011
Thank you so much, OHARRY!!!! I hope you are fine...I have been away and now I am back to work on returning. Thank you so much for allyour kindness and support of my songs. You are a fabulous person. Hugs, Countess Lekzee
Nov 30, 2010
Hi Harry, nice hearing from you. I recently heard from Ricky. I'm glad you are getting back the band together. my best regards to you all. k
Aug 04, 2010
Thanks for the station add cuz have a great wednesday !
Jun 24, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill Crisis- Let's take action America!!!: A few days ago some friends and I started a page to help with the disaster in the Gulf. It's a page for people that want to help and take action, not complain. BP answers to it's company shareholders, not the American people. We elected people to represent us. Let's make them start doing it NOW! Please join us! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gulf-Oil-Spill-Crisis-Lets-take-action-America/131777673512548?ref=mf
Jun 20, 2010
harry, how've you been? sorry about the news about Dennis. always sad to hear :( hope you are well. take care and be well. k
Feb 22, 2010
It is sad times around here. The mega-talented lead guitarist of our blues band 'Double Shot', Dennis Illingworth, lost his battle with cancer. Dennis will be missed greatly. Already there is a large void in my heart and soul. We will most likely do what we always do for the families of our brothers and sisters when in need.... Have a fundraiser with lots of live music. I know that when we are playing for Dennis, he will be playing with the ultimate band in Heaven. Rock on my friend.
gerti blackwell
Nov 05, 2009
Hi Harry!! Thanks for accepting my friend request and for the kind words. Looks like the folks in Iowa know how to have a good time, too, from watching your slideshow. Have an awesome week-end and God Bless! Gerti
May 18, 2009
hey Harry, thanks for dropping over.. wishing you a great summer too! ps. love looking at the pictures.. take care, k
Apr 24, 2009
Thanks for dropping by cuz hows life treating you these day's ? Hope you have a kick ass weekend ;)
Apr 16, 2009
Hello OHarry!!!!! It's great hearing from you. I hope that you and your family are fine. I am always honored when you come to my page. Wishing you a happy Spring, and a beautiful midweek, Hugs and Kisses, Lekzee