Feb 01, 2013
Hello, I'm just passing through. It's been ages since I last was here.
Be safe and be well.
- DL
Aug 08, 2011
Hey, I'm just dropping in to keep in touch. Be safe and be well.
- DL
Mar 05, 2011
Hi Alan, hope you are well. I'm not around often at MySpace anymore, but good to see that you are still here!
Dec 30, 2010
Heynow. I'm just dropping in on my friends, at least the ones who have shown signs of recent activity (and some who have not) to wish everyone Happy New Year. Best wishes to you in 2011.
- DL
Dec 19, 2010
Merry Christmas Holidays my dear SoundClick friend!
Blessings of LOVE, Grace, Salvation, Joy, Peace and Prosperity to you and all your beloved ones this coming New Year and beyond this generation.
Rosa Banks
May 26, 2010
Hello Alan my friend, hope you are ok and sorry not been around but life has kept me very busy. Also hope everything is going well.
your friend Edie x
Mar 11, 2010
Stopping by to say "HI" and let you know of a new song I think you might like. It's called "Jacob's Well". The link to the song is
but you could drop by my site and say hi that way too (come say hi back if you have the time). Blessings!
Dec 24, 2009
Whats up this ya boi Ro and i uploaded 3 new tracks check em out and let us know what you think
Dec 23, 2009
merry christmas happey new year
Dec 22, 2009
Season's Greetings!
I wish you and yours a spectacular holiday and wonderful New Year!
Best regards
Song Of The Angels
Sep 25, 2009
Just wanted you to know I completed and published my new version of "Nothing Missing, Broken" with vocals today under the name of "Mizrah Tirzah." It is now a prophetic song of healing meant to be played repeatedly for this purpose for myself and others. Have a wonderful week! Cathy
Aug 27, 2009
Hey guys! I wanted to say hi, let you know I'm back from holidays, have a new tune up for you to listen to, and hope all is well. The new song is called "Where Your Quarter Goes" and it's a bluesy, jazzy, rock song. Let me know what you think! Blessings!
Aug 25, 2009
Hello, thanks for the friendship!
Jul 18, 2009
Thanks for adding my music to your station cuz have a great weekend :)
Jul 16, 2009
so great
so cool¡¡
good luck:)
The Woodman CAN.
Jul 14, 2009
Hello Alan, Thank you so much for stopping by and for adding " Wings Over America " to your station I appreciate it.Regards from Canada. Stan.....The Woodman
Jul 13, 2009
Hello and thank you for playing my music on your station. Stay in touch!
bill creel
Jul 13, 2009
Just stopping by to give you a big Thank You for adding my song "I Was On My Way To California" to your station.
Bill Creel
Jul 06, 2009
ThanX for U friendship............Big respect to U worX me see on U space..............nuff love
Hey, fellow Soundclick mate! Keep spreading' JOY... with the sound of music. ;) Zak