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Chris Ward
@Chris (Ward)
Wolverhampton, Staffs  United Kingdom Joined August8 2006
You have to guess which one of these old guys I am....... This is my band 'The Intervals' - named because we tend to play in the interval between the really good bands!!
My Music
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aaron aardvark
Jan 02, 2021
I was watching a documentary on the Ramones tonight. Are you the Chris Ward, the same person as C.J Ramone from the Ramones?
Apr 03, 2012
Doing great Chris. Still writing, playing, and am parent now. Thanks for asking. Hope all is well over in the UK. Good new song by the way. Cheers. Olin
Apr 02, 2012
Still loving "I ask the moon". Still feeling kind of blessed when listening to it. Take care! :D
Dec 25, 2011
After listening to "I ask the moon" again and again - and after sending it in my thoughts with my beloved daughter who travelled to Lisbon for the first time - I think the song has much in common with some famous traditional gaelic blessing. Thanks for sharing in person! May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. :D
Dec 11, 2011
Hi Chris, just stopping by and dropping a note ;) Best Wishes, Angelika
Jan 07, 2011
Happy belated New Year :D I thought perhaps you might listen to a wonderful song: >> http://zaungast.twoday.net/stories/letzte-besorgungen/ ;) (a click on the picture will provide an English version of the caption) Best Wishes, Angelika
Thanks for the add Chris CHEERS Claude and Noella
Oct 01, 2010
G'day Chris, thanks for popping in and yes, it's been ages since I have been by your space too. Been sick for some time. Had 2 ops last year March and in Sept. Both hips, doing fabulous now. Keep your awesome music coming my friend. You will always have a fan here in Texas!!! Take care. Peace & hugs, Judi
Sep 22, 2010
Hi Chris Good to hear from you!! gregnDeb
Aug 30, 2010
Chris, Angel of the North very very nice! God Bless, K