Claes Norden
@Claes Norden
Stockholm, Sweden
Joined August8 2006
My Music
49 songs
18 songs ·
14 artists
47 songs ·
45 artists
17 songs ·
1 artist
11 songs ·
1 artist
On a new path
May 13, 2023
Hi all, it's been a long time. The last years I've been on a new musical path, abandoned the pop/rock/jazz genres, and praticed classical piano. What a rich world! And how much to master... Very developing though. One of the first fruits of my efforts is uploaded on my music page: [media] Read the story behind the song, it tells how it all started! Best wishes Claes
What Makes This Song Great?
Jun 3, 2018
I'd like to recommend this youtube playlist for anyone who like me likes to experiment with arranging pop/jazz music. A guy named Rick Baeto analyses how various world hit songs from 70-80-90's are built up. Among them are songs by Steely Dan, Peter Gabriel, and David Bowie. It gives many clues to why some songs are so great - it's not just the special voice or charisma of the lead singer, which you sometimes mistakenly may think. :
When Claes talks, Soundclick obeys ;)
May 18, 2018
It is very funny that I just last week wrote my previous comment where I complained that Soundclick seemed to have stagnated! Now already there's this new 4.0 version live. I could not have received a response more quickly. :) Soundclick now feels a lot more up to date with how web sites and social media everywhere today are designed. So now I became challenged to handle my personal stagnation; cannot blame SC any more for that...
Completely you
May 10, 2018
After a couple of years with fading inspiration I have managed to write and produce a new song. Here it is - Completely you. Part of my lack of inspiration is due to Soundclick's apparent stagnation, at least in terms of design and functionality development. I have the feeling that not many are really using it any longer. What about you others? Do you still find it alive and vital or do you know of some newer and better service/community?
A day full of nothing
Apr 16, 2016
Today I am doing nothing. And when I think about it, neither is there a reason why I should.
Jul 24, 2019
Claes, Here is some feel good music for you to enjoy.
Called "Feelin Good"
Nov 17, 2018
Thanks for the comments, wise and simple lyrics for me has been in the past one of the hardest things to do. I used to always be too deep and complex. I'm a late bloomer I recon, or maybe it just comes naturally with age.. I like your style too..
Nov 15, 2018
Claes, Completely You is great.. Your music & lyrics are peaceful and very empathetic. Things we could all use more of these days.
evan paul
Jun 10, 2018
Your new song is absolutely beautiful Claes, I just got back home from a long drive, and it really sooth me. I'm afraid I've not been very active lately, I've been building this house at Wasaga Beach, fourth year at it, doing it solo until this past weekend, finally I got some help to install the trusses and the roof, should be smooth sailing after I get the shingles on, mind you still a lot of work, but not as hard as framing. Unfortunately I have no internet there, I go to McDonald's wifi from time to time, but it's a drive there and not that convenient.
May 18, 2018
Hi Claes!
Yes indeed, I saw that even Tolgar heard your "call", and so the new version 4 of soundclick is finally there!!!! ;) ;)
Please have a nice evening my friend! -Spin-
May 18, 2018
Hi Claes!
Ha, your words were heard from Soundclick.... the new version is on line!! Take a look, may be you will like it more now!
Cheers ! :D
May 13, 2018
You are welcome my friend!
Cheers to the music Claes, please just keep going on with your distinctive music! :D
May 12, 2018
Pleasure was all mine. terrific song! keep the creativity flowing!
Gabe Stenziano
May 12, 2018
thanks so much for the visit. I haven't been in touch lately but I do miss my old friends.
All comments (86)
Hi there My friend, I've got a new one up called "The Hunter" Could you have a look, Thanks