Steve K
Marlborough, MA USA
Joined June6 2006
Science geek by day...recording musician by night. "dvaoa" band constantly evolving until we get it right ;-)
My Music
allgood asylum
Jun 10, 2009
Steve! Greetings & salutations! Thanks for adding allgood asylum to your soundclick friendslist! You said "Let's hear more" (referring to our music) in the comment ya left on my page! So i thought i would just pass you on to our myspace page where we finally have a few more tunes posted! Feel free to give us a listen there as well! It's easy to reach & find, -so there you go! Thanks again! Take care Steve!
~Chuk (lead singer for allgood asylum)
Neil Muz Murray
May 25, 2009
Yo Dude!!
Just thrown another caustic instrumental frenzy up called Hatemaker!
Check it out!
Take it easy & Crank that MOFO!!
Apr 09, 2009
Thanks for the comments on "Not This Time", Steve. And yeah, I guess we are getting a little heavy again. But that's the way we like it!
Empty Audio
Mar 22, 2009
Hey Steve, My new tune is up, come by and check it out!! The title is "December" (Cover tune) Best heard through headphones to get the full effect.
Thanks! :-)
Empty Audio
Mar 20, 2009
Hey there Steve, Thanks for having me, and I appreciate the comment on my tunes. I enjoy your work as well. Keep it up man!
Stay tuned, I am trying to get new material done soon.
Mar 17, 2009
Youch!.. Burn does indeed burn like a blowtorch.. My eyebrows were fried off my face.. Frank is happy..
Neil Muz Murray
Mar 15, 2009
Hey Steve
Many thanx for the add!
Burn Mission is a awesome track man.....nice 1!
All the best
Dec 30, 2008
Thanks for adding my tune, Steve:).
Cheers mate,
Dec 22, 2008
Greetings, Steve,
Popped in to wish you a very happy christmas and a productive, inspired new year:)!
All the best,
All comments (28)
G'day, Steve, Thanks for your visit and comment, I do appreciate it very much:)! Take care mate, Mauri.