Pop R&B singer
Follow me on YouTube to watch me sing covers and original music. I will be posting random vlogs as well. Any request, let me know. Thank you!
My Music
18 songs
Nov 25, 2008
Can you rap and is not afraid to appear in video? Message me for collaboration.
Sep 17, 2008
Live, don't stop! Live for a purpose.
New Track: TAKE me Away
Aug 17, 2008
When there is a desperate need for help, one will seek for aid. Who is that someone? Anyone? One shall seek one with the power to turn all bad hours into good hours. I seek GOD, I seek the HIGHER BEING, I seek those I believe in, I seek those I trust and those who would return my calls. TAKE ME AWAY is a track written about one going through difficult times in life. No answers, no directions of where to go or do with life. One cried for help. Cried in the hope to release anxieties and to loosen up the pain buried/carved inside one's heart. " PEACE" in the mind and soul- shall freed one from all doubts in life. To be release soon...
Believing all the way..............
Aug 17, 2008
When there is light, then there is hope. Where there is darkness, we seek the Higher Being for answers. Stay truthful to oneself, others, and to the Higher Being. Pray cause you believe, Pray cause you wish for inner peace, pray cause HE's your light-your saver, * HE's all answers to your problems* Find light in yourself...... Find answers in yourself...... then.....You'll find the key to life. :) Lipsy
Believe there is HOpE somewhere down the road
May 29, 2008
There is no point of regretting..... There is no point of doubting if one will ever achieve a goal One will accomplish when one really believes in oneself Not just only believing, but also trying very hard to get there Thus, believes that all hard works.....the long hours of nonstops...will bring something back in return A reward that is so predictable and enjoyable that only the discipline ones attain!! There is hope...... so close your eyes...take a deep breath...release all stress....think positively....walk forward.....have faith and of course HOPE! Think of the above! Lipsy :)
Oct 08, 2018
One love
Sep 10, 2018
edward mcc
Feb 25, 2018
you or so wonderful an blessed lord bless you allways.in al you do so well.voice so good an sweet you drive it down deep into people heart thay will never forget you girl.loveley still look very young an hansom young lady love al your song,s love you paul mcclanahan
Amp Dott
Apr 25, 2016
hey kanna, im so sorry i took long to reply, heres my email, look me up on facebook!
Ampdott07@gmail.com, what is yours?
Amp Dott
Dec 03, 2015
hey kanna im on facebook, do you have one?
edward mcc
Dec 29, 2014
ha been a long I hope u had a merry chrismas an I hope you have the best this new yr.you going grate I just fount my friend tj.way on facebook.i trying to hang in trying to get sinners to follow my wonderful an best friend jesus I be back go an see your songs anlisen ok love paul mcc
edward mcc
Dec 08, 2014
girl I wish u a merry chrismes an the best new yr you ever had I hope ever song you put out goes to the top.one more thing you or a very hansom young lady.you look18 maby 21.anyway thank for all comments you give me I trying to make one more cd.it getting so costly anymore.may heaven shine upon you an all your famley.with love paul mcc
alles klingt
Sep 04, 2014
its been long time ago-now I seen this message..
thank you for your kind words!
edward mcc
Feb 13, 2014
you still going good.i hope this new yr will be all u ever look for an go to the topu or wonderful allways an allways will be love paul mcc
All comments (321)
or you still alive girl