Nov 30, 2010
Hey, I'm just dropping in to say hi.
I hope you're well.
- DL
Dec 31, 2009
Happy New Year to you.
Thomas C Roth
Mar 01, 2009
Hello Bonnie
Thank you for adding the song ( Sodom and Gomorrah Of Today )
to your station, and it is nice to meet you, keep in touch, Tom
Feb 16, 2009
Its an honor for you to add us to your list of friends at Soundclick. Sorry we dont' have music on our profile page, they are on our network..
You are most welcome to listen to our music at Pagan Musicians there..
We would so much appreciate the support. Come by for a visit or better Join Us !
Love n Light,
Pagan Musicians
Musicians/Fans all Welcome ~!
Jan 27, 2009
Hi Bonnie,
I was blown away to find that you've added so many of my songs to your stations...(nine I think) ....WOW!
Many sincere thanks from me, and I'm sure from the co-writers as well.
Love and peace,
Jan 26, 2009
Hello Bonnie,
Thank you ever so much for adding my music to your station!!!!
I am honored,and your page looks beautiful.
Hugs and Blessings,
Jan 22, 2009
Hi bonnie, Thanks for adding my song to your station... And thanks for making me find Thom Brennan on SoundClick! He is one of my fave electronic musicians...
Jan 18, 2009
Hey there,
Thanks for adding my music to your've got a great selection on there by the way.
Have a great 2009...
Thomas C Roth
Jan 03, 2009
Hello Bonnie
It is nice to meet you, and Thank you for adding the song ( I Have A Spirit ) to your station, all the best to you, keep in touch Tom
Dec 31, 2008
Happy New Year.
Here's wishing you happiness and prosperity in 2009.
Oct 31, 2008
Hello, Bonnie, I'm just wishing you a safe and happy Samhain.
Ron Gletherow
Oct 29, 2008
Hi Bonnie,
Thank you so much for adding "Back In Time" to your station. Haven't been doing as much writing/recording as I'd like lately as I've been concentrating on a new concept, a four-piece band I'm in called "Maggie's Guitar". Perhaps you can check us out if you have time at
Once again, thanks for listening. It really makes a difference.
Take care,
Oct 25, 2008
Hello Bonnie,
Stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for your friendship and support.
Oct 24, 2008
I'm just dropping by to say hello.
Blessed be. :)
- DL
Oct 22, 2008
Hello Bonnie,
Thank you for stopping and also for the station adds.
I see that you like castles, me too...I worked in England for a few months and each weekend I would go out castle hunting....I have photos of about 20 different castles...
Have a Wonderful evening, :)
Oct 22, 2008
Hello EarthGoddess!!!!!!
Thank you so much for adding my music to your station!!!!!
I truly appreciate this , and I wish you a beautiful evening,
Tammy Swindell
Jun 13, 2008
Hi Bonnie! :)
Thanks for the station add, I appreciate that very much. :)
Kindest regards,
Tammy :)
Jun 12, 2008
Hello Bonnie,
thank you for including my songs on your stations. I appreciate it very much!
Have a wonderful day,
Apr 20, 2008
HI there Bonnie,
Wanted to pass this important information along to you and your friends and listeners. :-)
On January 10th, the Governor released the proposed FY 08-09 state budget. We expected it to be difficult but it turned out to be worse than we had thought. The budget proposed to close 48 state parks - that's almost 20 percent - and to reduce lifeguard staffing on 16 state beaches. CSPF will be fighting to avoid any park closures at all.
Proposals to close 48 of California’s state parks and take lifeguards away from 16 state beaches are out-of-touch with Californians. Join the Save Our State Parks Campaign and help stop these closures of our treasured state parks!
California State Parks Foundation
Please visit my page to watch some great videos on this subject, and to learn more about what can be done to STOP the closure of these state parks and beaches. Thank you! Terri
Hey, I'm just dropping in to stay in touch. Be safe and be well. - DL