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Jul 30, 2022
Hi Anthony, I dropped by with a recording that I made of the Jaco Pastorius composition Havona, cheers!
Aug 08, 2020
Hello SoundClick Neon Egypt friends and "followers"... Guess what? After 20 years, a new Neon Egypt album. Amazing? It is to us. :-)
Aug 30, 2019
Seems times is going by so fast these days. I get hung up at youtube also sometimes listening to all the music there too. Anthony please have a great weekend and keep making that unique music I love! take care, k
Aug 16, 2019
Hello Tony! Noticed your comment on my humble effort "human flight" Thank you so much!!I haven't been on so much lately, summertime and other things happening and all. I hope all is okay your way and the heat isn't too bad where you are, it's been a scorcher here. As always loving your creations! my ears are filled right now with your Ascent music page. wonderful!! Thanks for stopping by! k
Oct 20, 2018
Hi, I know it's a week later now, but I like to thank you for your kind comment on "Return Of The Moog". Surprising me on a nice way, because it's an older one. Wishing you a very nice weekend, Alexander.
Oct 14, 2018
Hello Anthony! How are you? Thanks so much for stopping over and checking out my humble efforts. Very appreciated :) Hope all is good over on your side of the pond... Again, Thank you very much! k
Mr Grant
Jul 22, 2018
Thanks for coming through and leaving comments on my songs Anthony! Very humbled by your comments.. I have to get by soon and check out more of your wonderful tunes. Will be back soon!
Feb 25, 2018
Hi T - Always wonderful to hear from you. I really appreciate your comments about "And So". Just playing around with some funky grooves. Again, thanks for your ongoing support. Have a great upcoming week. -Al-
Dec 29, 2017
I'm just stopping by to wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year, and to thank you for your enormous support throughout the year. May you have a year that is filled with music, happiness, hope, and prosperity.
Dec 29, 2017
Thanks, Anthony! wishing you a great 2018 to you! k
Dec 23, 2017
Hello T- Wishing you and your family a joyful and Merry Christmas. Peace on earth.
Dec 17, 2017
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Anthony :)
Nov 25, 2017
Hi T. Thanks for the kudo's on "Upheaval". Kinda a urban thang:), and for keeping an ear on my efforts. Glad to here things are going well with you. I agree with you on the SC revamp. Peace!
Oct 07, 2017
Hi!! Wanted to thank you for the station adds of some of my tunes recently..... really appreciated, wishing you a great weekend!! :D Cheers to the music, -Spin-
Mr Grant
Oct 05, 2017
Hey Tony! Thanks for coming through and leaving a comment on my song "My Heart Song (2U)".. Was checking out your music as well.. Love what I hear. Keep up the good work. Arlen
Oct 03, 2017
always nice hearing from you. Thank you for stopping over :) Hope life's treating you good! take care, k
Oct 01, 2017
Greeting Mate. As I always said, it always a great pleasure to see you dropped by. Certainly appreciate your comments on my two latest. Cherish your support. Hope things are going well for you. Best Regards -Al-
Aug 09, 2017
Thank you Tony :) Always nice hearing you! k
Jul 07, 2017
Hope it's not too hot over there in England and hope your summer is off to a good start too. k
May 06, 2017
hey Tony! Thank you very much!