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USA Joined November11 2005
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Dec 10, 2009
Hope all is going well for you! I just wanted to let you know as well that I have a new song up (wow, I NEVER get two songs up this fast!). I think it turned out OK and I'd love your take on it. It's a latin acoustic tune that I think you might like. Check it out and let me know what you think. Blessings!
Oct 11, 2009
Hello Southpaw, Have a Blessed Sunday! TA
Aug 26, 2009
Hey! I wanted to say hi, let you know I'm back from holidays, have a new tune up for you to listen to, and hope all is well. The new song is called "Where Your Quarter Goes" and it's a bluesy, jazzy, rock song. Let me know what you think! Blessings!
Michael Todd
May 01, 2009
Hey man , been a long time. Im still kickin', just not as hard lol. Im fixing to focus more on my own music again and slow down on others stuff. I love your tunes and I am amazed every time I listen to your riffs. Great.
Jan 17, 2009
Happy New Year! Hope all is well for you. If you have time, come check out my new song called "Love Remains". I think you'll like it. Leave a comment if you can. Blessings!
Jan 04, 2009
Here’s hoping you and yours had a Merry Christmas, and the start to a blessed New Year! Please keep in your heart and on you mind those who have less. Blessings and Peace
Michael Todd
Dec 31, 2008
Hey man, yea its been awhile. I have been so busy working on demo's for some young christian artist. Now I can slow down a bit and get back to working on some of my own stuff. Hope things are well with you.
Hayley Oliver
Dec 22, 2008
Hi Earl, :) I'm wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas and a very happy and prosperous 09. Peace and love Hayley
Dec 21, 2008
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for being a friend here at Soundclick, and we hope to get to know you more this coming year. Blessings, Robert Strom
Sep 20, 2008
NEW SONG: Astria Porta Be honored if you gave it a listen and critique. Thank you for the inspiration and support.