Mowez B
HAPPY HOLIDAYS: Complimentary Download
Dec 17, 2010

I hope each and everyone of you have a fabulous holiday with family and friends. It will be 2011 soon and I can wait to hear all the new music and projects from everyone, including me, in this race to get several placements.
Here's a complimentary download link of my 2nd spoken word poetry album "Bumpy Tymes" as a gift from me to you, below...
If you go to highlight the spoken-word tab and a sub link will appear. Click on the complimentary download sub link. Type in the user name "ruby" and password "poetry." Right click on the file with your mouse and open the file in your iTunes or Windows player. Let me know if this works for you... Enjoy!
Spoken-Word Poets vs. Rappers
Jul 27, 2010

Who would you rather listen to a poet or a rapper? I had a media & content workshop the other day with 10 high school students. I had them read & critique the lyrics to "Run this Town" with Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Kanye. After 45 minutes of discussion on the lyrics, we was enlightened and noticed the lyrics were problematic. Go take a closer look for yourself and let me know if you think so too.