Thomas Sidney
Canterbury, United Kingdom Joined October10 2002
waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon waxcrayon
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Jan 16, 2018
i love ur profile, am mrs Maria Ann I have a special reason of contacting you so i would like you to respond direct to my email address here ( there i can tell you everything about myself, and the reason i am contacting you and also send my pictures to you. Mrs maria Ann PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL ME HERE ON ( FOR MORE EXPLAINATION.
Roman Matesovich
Dec 19, 2012
check out my beats please!
Apr 17, 2011
Hi there I was doing a random hop round the site checking out music I hadn't heard before and happened upon Wax Crayon - and I just wanted to say your music is brilliant - I've been working through your entire catalogue this afternoon while I've been busy at my PC and I'm adding all my favourites to my stations. You have exceptional talent and I wish you success ! Best regards KTB (TinMiss/Ingefara)
Feb 09, 2009
Hi Thomas, Hows it going? hey I would like to invite you over to hear Johnny Yellowheels version of my tune Standing Alone.They did an amazing job on it and I'm stoked. Heres the ;link if you get a chance Thank you friend, P e a c e danny
Dec 23, 2008
Happy Holidays friend!! If you come across somthin you think I could play/sing with let me know P e a c e danny
Dec 22, 2008
It's awesome to have you in my circle of friends! If there is anything I can do to assist you please let me know.
Nov 28, 2008
What's up man?
Nov 03, 2008
Thanks Dude, I would be up to a collab if I can ever find the time hehe.If you come across somthing let me know ok. P e a c e danny
Aug 24, 2008
Thomas, Wow man thanks for having me as a friend. You've got some amazing talent.The ability to take sounds that,by themselves mean nothing and are jibberish,and arrange the jibberish to make total sence.Thats a gift.Its what all great songwriters try to acheive,getting the listener to feel what you feel. My hats off to you friend.Really cool stuff!!! ///////////////////////////////P e a c e\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\