Michael Rhoden
Joined October10 2004
Photo by Tommy Gulley 2006 at Augusta State University jazz orchestra concert.
My goal is to begin a label, so if you are here as a friend or even fan, we might be able to work together in the future.
I would appreciate forwarding worthy groups or artists that could use a distribution or recording deal. I am small, but I have a lot of industry knowlege and contacts.
I have Masters of Business in the Entertainment Industry and my contracts will have a fair clause for you to move to a large label in the event of your success.
Graduated music school and will be uploading (postponed indefinitely) Villa Lobos Prelude #3 in A minor, Prelude #1 E minor; and Bach's Prelude in D minor, Taregga's Capricio Arabe, La Grima, Recuerdos Alhambra, Minuetto; Guardeme las Vacas, Catalonian Song, and a few more in the next 6-12 months. Usher Valse by Nikita Koshkin will take a while to memorize.
I will begin to work on the first of my 40+ inventions. Musicians watch out for BIG FOOT in your local store.
My Music
27 songs
Part 3-How To Kick Diabetes
Aug 27, 2012
As you may be asking yourself, I am overweight. Well I still need to lose 40 lbs but convert much to muscle with weight training, but I was 355 lbs in 2004 and have lost over 100 lbs now. In 2005 when I met Julie we discussed weight and I walked out determined that my mouth was not going to kill me. It was about 16 years later that I had come full circle since Adel Davis and eating right that I became relentless in the perfection of my diet. It was a lot harder than making the decision. Everywhere you turn is terrible food. All the fast foods but salads and a few other things were not as appealing anymore. I would read the calories alone and cringe. Mayor Bloomberg is doing great things that are being met with stiff opposition in NYC. I would a few years later walk into a Bilo and the thoughts that crossed my mind were this store is full of death. So many additives like nitrites, benzoates, parabens and the like and it was like I can't touch the foods, they would kill me. Finally, Augusta Georgia got a Whole Foods, but for me and my disability check not being enough, due to depression, now gone, and I attribute in part to good foods and exercise, I could not go there often. I went on occasion with a vegan crowd and the foods were great but all the animal rights things got to me, I now side with them more because I learned about slaughterhouses and more about farms as my distant cousin owned a large commercial chicken farm outside of Aiken, SC. As I get further along I'll talk about meats. Meat in of itself is good for your and I can explain different type meats and the amino acids they have that nourish the heart especially for a man and erections, but they are a quick source for long term energy and balance level sugar levels too. Some blood types need more meats and some need less. I think Dr Depak Chopra talked of this in a tape series I listened to in the 90's, Magical Body Magical Mind. Other Drs talk of this too, has to do with the receptors on the red blood cells in your body and blood type. I would suggest the links in the index for clarification. As you lose weight you will not need as much if any blood pressure meds as my MCG doctors told me nor metformin. I repeat never take insulin unless it is life or death for Type II. First use Glucomannon as it is cheap. There is an Indian herb called Gymnema Sylvestre. It has been proven to regenerate the islets in the pancreas for those who are long term diabetics. I took it for about 9 months off and on. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a great thing and works for me to lower glucose. The National Institutes of Health a Federal governement branch prescribes 600mg a day or more. talk to your doctor. One of the great things about it is that it helps your body produce L-Glutathione in good amounts. Some years ago Pastor Pat Robertson's doctor said that centenarians have high glutathione levels in a study. It also helps produce S.O.D. the most powerful antioxidant in the human body known as is Glutathione. SOD stands for Super Oxide Dismutase. High levels of both of these will keep you healthy and even younger feeling. They get rid of free radicals or free electrons hanging around in your body that pit you insides like rust and cause DNA RNA breakdown. If you want to know how to repair your DNA an RNA, simple sugars are reported to do this. A site called www.glycop.com sell many types of sugars, some to replace table sugars that are no or low in calories. Also reasonably priced Nopal Cactus extracts that help cut down on inflammation which is a result of too much sugar circulating in your body. Arthritis can be attributed to high sugar too and wreak havoc on your joints. eat deserts with that in mind. Stevia is a great way to sweeten your foods and beverages as is trehalose or Agave. I use black strap molasses (high in phosphorus lacking in our diet) or maple syrup in my hot teas or coffee
Can I Get A 100 Proof Reader?
Aug 26, 2012
How To Kick Diabetes in the Keister part 1 roughly
Aug 26, 2012
How To Kick Diabetes in the Keister and Never Look Back What I am about to say to you may seem counter intuitive but I can provide verifiable anecdotal evidence. If you are reading this you or someone you know has been diagnosed with diabetes and you are very concerned. After all people with it lose an eye, a leg or like my childhood friend after losing all feelings in his feet for years finally succumbed to diabetes and paid its price...death. To Phillip Hutto, my first band member in 1972, bass guitarist, whose father Tom, out of the kindness of his heart let me play and take home his 1956 Fender Sunburst Telecaster now worth $36,000, I dedicate this booklet and to all who have this disease not of our making but of a thing that if better foods were available to the public we would not be having this discussion. I was diagnose some seven years ago when I came to Dr Parlors office and fasting my glucose was 126. He said you are hyperglycemic and need to make changes in your life. I was not frightened then or for a few years but did seek to find my cure. Seven years later and tremendous research I found what worked for me. I tried everything I read and cinnamon worked right off the bat but I belched up the powder many times and was uncomfortable. I did not have the money to afford the liquid extract. 8-10 cups of green tea a day also helps I recently found, but $30 for a month supply of liquid extract equivalent to 20 cups a day does tremendous good not only for your A1c but for you heart, your libido, cleaning toxins out of your liver but also helping those raise testosterone and hair growth, it worked for me. I'll show before and after in the index of photos of glucose readings. TThe big thing I did not mention is that when I moved from the South Carolina to New York City I noticed nearly immediate health changes for the better. Now I must say that all my preparations over the last seven years I am probably sure added to the success of this improvement. Around 1989 I began my health quest and read first Adel Davis', Let's Eat Right and Keep Fit, look her up on Google, she was a health pioneering nurse researcher. And debunked by the AMA a lot but I find her today spot on. Next came one of my favorites, Dr Linus Pauling. I read two of his books. He won two Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physics. Anything he wrote for health is worth a read. His friend, a doctor was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told to get his affairs in order. Dr. Pauling told him to take large amounts of vitamin C in granule format and he live ten more years in very good health. I forget his age, but not young. Dr Pauling had a German medical MD with whom he worked with on his projects. Following Dr. Pauling I read about the Shute brothers in the 50's from Canada. They experimented with large doses of natural vitamin E with Gamma, Delta, Alpha, Beta tocotrienols and also tocopherols. They showed that a large intake, 2000 IU a day could help the heart reroute smaller arteries around the heart and prevent heart attacks should a major one be clogged. Yes the AMA said recently vitamin E is really bad for you but they used synthetic like all drugs are. Yes synthetic does more harm than good. In all things you consume, consume what God has made. For vitamin A eat your carrots often and look for those things that have leutein and zeanthin, this will keep your retinas in tip top shape and colors will be vibrant. Try this, buy a 32oz bottle of Genesis Goji 100 juice, about $40 and drink 4-5 oz a day until it is gone. I'll bet your colors will pop out on your vividly as your rods and cones will be cleaned of all the oxidation they have from toxic eating in your life. If you don't notice too much a difference, then go on a 100% juices
How To Kick Diabetes in the Keister and Never Look Back2-In Progress
Aug 26, 2012
I once found out about the detoxifying properties of using the herb cilantro. It will clean out heavy metals but also calcium, magnesium and other things so cook regularly with it. I ate a paste of 1 tsp a day for a few days and my blood pressure skyrocketed to 180+/ 100. I was sent to a kidney specialist at the Medical College of Georgia and he said after I wore a 24 hour urine collector that I had 500mg of protein leaking our of my kidneys. I did some research and Dr. Don Colbert a Christian MD in Orlando on his site said multi colored 100% fruit juices will cleanse the nephrons in the kidneys, they are the filters, mine were clogged. I went back to the kidney MD four weeks later after doing what Dr Colbert said and yes I had diabetes but for the short run my kidneys were more important and I took Losartan to protect them. He tested me again and a month had past and three more weeks of a gallon a day of juices roughly, so I called back and spoke to the nurse and explained I had not heard anything. She said, "Well then there is nothing wrong with you." My general physician appointment was a few weeks later and I asked here. She said you are fine. Dr Traesa Brown MD, Faculty. She was in to alt medicine some and explained I cleaned my nephrons with the juices. No Dr. since has ever told me anything like that except Julie Dahl Smith at MCG, my D.O. She hold an MD and tow degrees from UC Berkley in acupuncture which works and iridology and chakra cleansing. I was skeptical but she proved me wrong and looked forward during an adjustment which I will talk about later. Now you are saying when am I going to learn about curing diabetes??? Well all the above are paths you have to take in your own way as you can afford and as you can apply to your schedule. My philosophy is change one thing at a time and get used to the habit. You can make something a habit in 28 days according to psychologists. I will make a list of the most direct path next but while not easy it is effective. In January of 2012 I received an email from one of a host of MD's I follow. He said that Konjac Mannon was shown to reduce glucose levels by as much as 63%. Well first thing I did as an early adopter, I went to www.iherb.com and bought it. It is called glucomannon. In the index you will see that on January 29th my glucose was 424 and by January 31st it was 148 in about 48 hours. I took the whole bottle of 180 and have not taken it since and my sugar while eating mostly what I want but not much table sugars or only just dark chocolates, my glucose is 106-171 and mostly in the 112 in morning and 140's in the afternoon. Just depends. Stress will cause sugar to rise which leads me to the opening line here for this book. Faulknerian huh?
my digital chemistry
Apr 08, 2010
Thank you for the kudos, I'm working on writing a little more succinctly, but I do love a great solo spot...
as to the gear, I'd love to afford what you suggest... great gear, but out of my league,,, distribution... let's talk later... my new band just started rehearsing... we may end up "in the studio" in 6 months or so to put the "live vibe" to my demos... I might be looking for something afterwords... but for now... thanks for the inspiration, peace, Rob
Ivan Tavarres
Apr 17, 2009
Hello Michael, Thank you for visiting my band page (Symphonic Band Performances) and adding it to your fav bands/artists. I really appreciate it. I have several more recordings I will be uploading, so check back often. I really liked "Opus 1 In Any Key #60" on your page. Very nice composition! Thanks, Ivan
Higher Than Pope
Dec 31, 2007
Hey Michael,
I've been enjoying your songs all morning. What a fab way to get ready for the new year. Keep us posted on new releases and new cd's as well as any other news that comes your way! Thanks for being our bud.
Sep 14, 2007
Nice music !!!
Valeriy. Moscow
Jun 18, 2007
Very nice comps and guitar. Would you like to lay some tracks on my new tunes?
Mike Rhoden-Electric Warrior
Electric Warrior
hello mike i would love to lay some tracks on your new tunes but i am not sure how i would be able to do it iam in the uk, ?
All comments (6)
Happy Holidays! :-)