Eugene, OR USA
Joined June6 2000
My Music
106 songs
11 songs ·
7 artists
20 songs ·
18 artists
18 songs ·
8 artists
24 songs ·
19 artists
Not For The Mainstream
Oct 23, 2017
Hey, fellow Soundclick mate!
Keep spreading' JOY... with the sound of music. ;)
Apr 13, 2014
Hi Bobby, been a while since I've stopped by. Hope you are doing well . I have a new tune out named "Squirrel's gURL, and would love to know what you think. Hope you are doing well.
Take care,
Spence (azsaxcat/CodeAquamarine)
Mar 18, 2013
Hi Bobby,
thank you so much for the station add!!:) :) Keep your great works up! Cheers,
Mar 15, 2013
Hi ,
Andrew (Alpha One Omega ) pointed me to your site, and I must say it was really worth listen to your tracks!! :)
Like your style of playing guitar and arrange, a splendid, exclusive, yet mellow and sensitive way to express yourself . Listen to the sound of a warm clean guitar is always a joy for me, I really digged into your tunes. Thanks for sharing.
Peace -Spin-
Jan 06, 2012
Best wishes in the New Year, Bobby!!!
Dec 30, 2011
Just stopping by to wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. Thank you for sharing your wonderful and creative music and providing the much appreciated words of encouragement to your fellow members. May Peace & Happiness be with you always, Al
Mr Grant
May 23, 2011
Hey Bobby!
Just uploaded 3 new songs man!
Please come through and check them out for me.
May 20, 2011
Hi Bobby
Thanks for adding me to your list of friends!
Best wishes for the week-end my friend.
Jan 26, 2011
Hey Bobby,
Thanks for the congrats! I took a peek at your official web site. Really impressive and very professionally done. Informative content revealed some cool interesting facts about you and your music. I felt I knew you pretty well through SC, but now I come to know you much better and understand why your music is so awesome. You are a truly a great talent. --Talk to you soon Al
All comments (204)
My tribute to Glen Campbell and Jimmy Webb... Wichita Lineman __ Have a GREAT week, my friends! ;)