Electric Shadow
@Electric Shadow
In The Shadows, USA
Joined October10 2004
My Music
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31 artists
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26 artists
True Fortune
Aug 27, 2009
This is a poem I wrote on true fortune...it's what I gauge my fortune on! Peace Jerry Willard True Fortune You know true fortune doesn't come easy and sometimes it dosen't come at all. But the little voice inside my head says if you want it go ahead and take the fall. Go ahead and trace the mystery check the foot prints in the hall. The dawn is slowly breaking and time won't wait at all. Now you've got yourself in deeper in a maze you twist and turn. Don't leave any stone uncovered for this fortune you must earn. How do you check the balance with your eyes closed? Is there really true justice for all? Go ahead and trace the mystery check the foot prints in the hall. At the start you were so clever stalking at every move. You were sure you had the answers but the answers came to soon. Go ahead and trace the mystery check the foot prints in the hall. The dawn is slowly breaking and time won't wait at all. In your time of desperation your life flashes before your eyes. You see all the truth before you and again you hear all the lies. Did you count on things that were pointless? And gamble on things that were sure? Have they promised the road isn't rocky? And the future to be secure? Go ahead and trace the mystery check the foot prints in the hall. True fortune is called love and this is free to all........
New video...STARS
Aug 5, 2009
Check out our new video for our new song STARS!
Stars...NEW SONG UP!!!
Jul 29, 2009
We invite you to listen to our new song ****STARS**** ******************************************************************* Stars 7/22/2009 ********Candace & Jerry Willard******* Answer the question. The Questions the answer. And I'll reach to the stars for you. When your night turns to day. And your day turns to night. I'll capture the stars for you. If the ends the beginning. I'm beginning the end. And I'll go to the stars with you! CHORUS: Time dosen't age us. But were ageless in time. Darkness wont blind us. But in darkness were blind. If time is still traveling. Then were traveling in time. If love is the answer. Then it's love that we'll find! Answer the question. The Questions the answer. And I'll reach to the stars for you. If the ends the beginning. I'm beginning the end. And I'll go to the stars with you! CHORUS: Time dosen't age us. But were ageless in time. Darkness wont blind us. But in darkness were blind. If time is still traveling. Then were traveling in time. If love is the answer. Then it's love that we'll find! Time dosen't age us. But were ageless in time. Darkness wont blind us. But in darkness were blind. If time is still traveling. Then were traveling in time. If love is the answer. Then it's love that we'll find! Peace through music .....LL&P
What's flying in the Chemtrails over our Wisconsin Home?
Jul 18, 2009
We were out taking photos of the fresh chemtrails that the goverment planes had just sprayed overhead. After viewing them we noticed this missle type thing flying through them. It looks like no other plane or missle that we have ever seen. The thing is it has no contrail or chemtrail, so what propels this object. Candace and I also never observed any sound while taking this photo. What is uncle Sam up to??? If you don't know about Chemtrails you are out of the loop. Way out!!!!!!!! Google it, you won't find it on local news, it's a hush hush topic.... What's your guess...we are interested to find out what you think? There will be a more distant pic in our SC photo album so check it out! Peace through music
May 20, 2009
Our computer crashed on May 5, 2009 and we will be offline for a few weeks, we will be back and we will be ready to rock & roll!!! Everyone who has left a comment & review we send a HUGE thank you and we will return the favor as soon as we are able :) Thank you for all of your support! Love & peace...~ES~
Aug 31, 2023
Thanks for the comments. ! I like how Wade calls you Peas & Carrots. A uniquely talented Man.
Aug 05, 2023
Hi Guys, just want to say thankyou for taking time to stop by and listen/comment on "Seaside Town"
Its lovely to hear from you again.
Take Care
Alan and Roger.
Wade Farlowe
Jul 23, 2022
Howdy J&C, I saw your message and texted you my number a few days ago. I also tried to call you earlier today and left a phone message. Be safe and well my friends, best to you both and your family always!
Jun 20, 2022
Thanks for the kind review of "Starlight" J&C :-) sorry for the slow reply I've been distracted & offline a lot lately, glad to see you still kickin and jammin!
May 27, 2022
Thanks for dropping by cuz how has life been treating you?
May 26, 2022
Thank you again. Safe weekend.
May 24, 2022
A quick thank you for the visit & kind words. Hope all is well on your side of the screen.
Apr 01, 2022
What’s up cuz hope all is well your way have a great weekend
Jan 14, 2022
Hey long time no hear how are yall doing these days. Got any new music up ? Anywho have a great weekend
All comments (605)
Stopping by to wishing you a Merry Christmas cuz hope all is well your way