Brent Freeman Blair

Picture for song 'In This World' by artist 'Brent Freeman Blair'

In This World

Words & Music by Brent Freeman Blair

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'I Must Fly (Acoustic)' by artist 'Brent Freeman Blair'

I Must Fly (Acoustic)

Words & Music by Brent Freeman Blair

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'September's Rain (with Jeff Learman on piano)' by artist 'Brent Freeman Blair'

September's Rain (with Jeff Learman on piano)

Words & Music by Brent Freeman Blair with Jeff Learman special guest on the piano . Thanks Jeff for giving this song the special touch it needed. Be sure to visit Jeff's page at

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Breakdown' by artist 'Brent Freeman Blair'


Words & Music by Brent Freeman Blair

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'A Thousand Miles' by artist 'Brent Freeman Blair'

A Thousand Miles

Words & Music by Brent Freeman Blair

Pop Rock