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Picture for song 'DESPERATION.MP3' by artist 'Anini'


Picture for song 'Signs of the times .MP3' by artist 'Anini'

Signs of the times .MP3

Picture for song 'Every Letter.MP3' by artist 'Anini'

Every Letter.MP3

Picture for song 'DID HE THINK.MP3' by artist 'Anini'


Picture for song 'Greatest War.MP3' by artist 'Anini'

Greatest War.MP3

Biography The line in the song, Thank you for the music, which goes - she said I began to sing long before I could talk - probably describes me best. I have been singing for as long as I remember, probably because I come from a very musical family, both my grandfathers were church organists and both of my parents were choristers. I became a Christian and ministered in the Gospel Youth Singers group for years doing annual musicals, singing wherever we were invited and I found ministry through music was a really powerful way of bringing people closer to God whether they were believers or not. My earlier Christian music influences included artists like Andrae Crouch, Amy Grant, Twila Paris and Evie and at present I think my favourite genre of music is praise and worship, though my style doesnt reflect this. Id previously written the odd song. Im the kind of person that always has a tune in their head and a couple of years ago following an altar call during one of our services found myself writing songs on a regular, almost weekly basis and I finally decided last year to share them as they were ideas, thoughts, whispers, inspirations that had spoken to me at some point of the love of God and my hope in Christ and I hoped they would do the same for someone else. In real life I m nurse, and have in the past been a teacher and worked with Youth for Christ and am still a work in progress which wont be finished till he calls. Description Easy Listening/Inspirational/Pop
Band/artist history
To date I have done two CD's instudios with my keyboard and doing my own vocals. They are 'Every Letter' and 'Greatest War' Every Letter has six songs: Every Letter Before Grace Alone On the Cross Pull me in Not Guilty Greatest War has eight songs: Beginning not End Greatest War Did He think Signs of the times Desperation Can you believe it Sweetest song Lay me down
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I used to sing live a lot in the past, especially with my old gospel group, but had not done so for a few years. Recently however I have done two shows to raise funds for charity. One in Harlesden in London and one in Luton. They were a mixture of some of my own songs, Desperation,Did he think, Beginning not end,Lay me down,Signs of the times and some covers by Leona Lewis, Hallelujah (Alex Burke's version), Halo(Beyonce). I love singing though I am always terrified before I start-Laugh. I am looking for a venue to do another show soon, am planning for October. One special moment was when a friend who had never heard me sing solo asked me to sing at her wedding after my first show. I felt really priviledged
What equipment do you use?
Keyboard mostly, but I can play the guitar a little.


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